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Victoria's Secret Commercials

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# 1 21 years ago

I was wondering what songs were playing in the background of two Victoria's Secret commercials. The first song is from the commercial that asks 'What is Sexy?' and the other is from the 'Body by Victoria' commercial. The 'What is Sexy?' commercial was really long and featured models in the rain, drinking milk, and walking near stairs. It came out a while ago. The 'Body by Victoria' commercial has been out before but currently is out with a different commercial but with the same music. It has the words hot body, cool body, etc. in the commercial. If anyone knows the names of these songs, please reply. Thanks.
# 2 20 years ago

> I was wondering what songs were playing in the background of two Victoria's Secret commercials. The first song is from the commercial that asks 'What is Sexy?' and the other is from the 'Body by Victoria' commercial. The 'What is Sexy?' commercial was really long and featured models in the rain, drinking milk, and walking near stairs. It came out a while ago. The 'Body by Victoria' commercial has been out before but currently is out with a different commercial but with the same music. It has the words hot body, cool body, etc. in the commercial. If anyone knows the names of these songs, please reply. Thanks.

# 3 20 years ago

'I'm walking through streets that are dead
Walking, walking with you in my head
My feet are so tired, my brain is so wired
And the clouds are weeping...'
I hope this helps!
From W.L.G

# 4 18 years ago

> > I was wondering what songs were playing in the background of two Victoria's Secret commercials. The first song is from the commercial that asks 'What is Sexy?' and the other is from the 'Body by Victoria' commercial. The 'What is Sexy?' commercial was really long and featured models in the rain, drinking milk, and walking near stairs. It came out a while ago. The 'Body by Victoria' commercial has been out before but currently is out with a different commercial but with the same music. It has the words hot body, cool body, etc. in the commercial. If anyone knows the names of these songs, please reply. Thanks.
# 5 18 years ago

For the 'Body by Victoria Secret' commercial, the song is called, "Relaxin' With Cherry" by Kid Loco.
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