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adidas climacool comercial

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# 1 21 years ago

> looking for the name of the song in latest adidas (climacool) commercial...sounds like a broadway show tune....there is the line 'and when the thermometer goes way up and the weather is sizzling hot, mr. chance for romance he's not cuz its too too too darn hot, its too darn hot.......

# 2 21 years ago

Ella Fitzgerald - Too Darn Hot
# 3 21 years ago

From the show 'Kiss Me Kate' (1948)
(Cole Porter)

# 4 21 years ago

John Doe
It's Ella Fitzgerald Too Darn Hot

# 5 21 years ago

> : looking for the name of the song in latest adidas (climacool) commercial...sounds like a broadway show tune....there is the line 'and when the thermometer goes way up and the weather is sizzling hot, mr. chance for romance he's not cuz its too too too darn hot, its too darn hot.......
The title is Too Darn Hot - sung by Ella Fitzgerald. Don't know if it's from a show
# 6 20 years ago

> : looking for the name of the song in latest adidas (climacool) commercial...sounds like a broadway show tune....there is the line 'and when the thermometer goes way up and the weather is sizzling hot, mr. chance for romance he's not cuz its too too too darn hot, its too darn hot.......
i found it as 'ella fitzgerald - too darn hot'
# 7 20 years ago

It's Ella Fitzgerald Ït's Too Darn Hot, by Cole Porter. You can find full lyrics at
# 8 20 years ago

ella fitzgerland - too darn hot

# 9 19 years ago

> > looking for the name of the song in latest adidas (climacool) commercial...sounds like a broadway show tune....there is the line 'and when the thermometer goes way up and the weather is sizzling hot, mr. chance for romance he's not cuz its too too too darn hot, its too darn hot.......
# 10 19 years ago

> > looking for the name of the song in latest adidas (climacool) commercial...sounds like a broadway show tune....there is the line 'and when the thermometer goes way up and the weather is sizzling hot, mr. chance for romance he's not cuz its too too too darn hot, its too darn hot.......
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