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Brand new Mitsubishi commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Okay, not sure on the make of the car, but it might be the new Endeavor (the one where everyone's looking at it from inside buildings at night.. it says 'Stealth it's not').. the tune is bugging me nuts! Someone please tell me the name of that blasted song!
# 2 21 years ago

I found a website where it says it's called Horn Dog by Overseers. Check
Hope this is right.
> Okay, not sure on the make of the car, but it might be the new Endeavor (the one where everyone's looking at it from inside buildings at night.. it says 'Stealth it's not').. the tune is bugging me nuts! Someone please tell me the name of that blasted song!

# 3 21 years ago

Also check the website below where it talks about the ads. I haven't been able to find the band though...
> I found a website where it says it's called Horn Dog by Overseers. Check
> Hope this is right.
> /Per
>> Okay, not sure on the make of the car, but it might be the new Endeavor (the one where everyone's looking at it from inside buildings at night.. it says 'Stealth it's not').. the tune is bugging me nuts! Someone please tell me the name of that blasted song!

# 4 21 years ago

Telepopmusik is the name of the band, Breathe is the name of the song!
# 5 21 years ago

> Okay, not sure on the make of the car, but it might be the new Endeavor (the one where everyone's looking at it from inside buildings at night.. it says 'Stealth it's not').. the tune is bugging me nuts! Someone please tell me the name of that blasted song!
---The new car is the Endeavor. I don't know the song because they haven't linked it yet on the Mitsubishi website. I do know for certain that it is not 'Breathe' by Telepopmusik. That song is in the Outlander commerical which has been running for some time now.
# 6 21 years ago

The name of the song is called Horn Dog its by Overseer. you can find it at
This band has a lot of other great songs try Supermoves

# 7 21 years ago

Thanks for the post and download....
> The name of the song is called Horn Dog its by Overseer. you can find it at
: This band has a lot of other great songs try Supermoves

# 8 21 years ago

I found this site looking for the song title, Kazaa didn't find the new one, mitsubishi site doesn't have the commercial up either, I'll let you know if I find it, please do the same
# 9 21 years ago

The Mitsubishi Endeavor ad song is by Overseer and is called 'Horn Dog' from their album that hasn't been released yet but is titled Wreckage. Should be released anytime now.

# 10 21 years ago

I couldn't find it anywhere else. Too much mixing in the middle, but nice track.

# 11 21 years ago

What happened to your link????????????????????????????????????????
Big Brother is here???
# 12 20 years ago

Overseer's 'horndog' actually rips off Red Rider's Lunatic Fringe (beginning).

# 13 20 years ago

> : Okay, not sure on the make of the car, but it might be the new Endeavor (the one where everyone's looking at it from inside buildings at night.. it says 'Stealth it's not').. the tune is bugging me nuts! Someone please tell me the name of that blasted song!
> ---The new car is the Endeavor. I don't know the song because they haven't linked it yet on the Mitsubishi website. I do know for certain that it is not 'Breathe' by Telepopmusik. That song is in the Outlander commerical which has been running for some time now.
HornDog by the Overseers. You can go here for more info:
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