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Victoria's Secret "Angel" and Keri ad songs

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# 1 21 years ago

Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
# 2 21 years ago

The Victoria's Secret song is by Bob Dylan, but I don't know the title.

: Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
> Thanks!

# 3 20 years ago

> The Victoria's Secret song is by Bob Dylan, but I don't know the title.
:> Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
>> Thanks!
The song is called Love Sick.
# 4 20 years ago

The title of the song is 'love sick' by Bob Dylan
: The Victoria's Secret song is by Bob Dylan, but I don't know the title.
:> Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
>> Thanks!

# 5 20 years ago

> The Victoria's Secret song is by Bob Dylan, but I don't know the title.
:> Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
>> Thanks!

# 6 20 years ago

The Dylan song is 'Lovesick' from his 'Time Out of Mind' album a few years ago.

> The Victoria's Secret song is by Bob Dylan, but I don't know the title.
:> Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
>> Thanks!

# 7 20 years ago

I had seen the 'Angel' commercial and fell in love with the song and the voice but I was never able to find out who was the voice and the name of the song, so I turned to my great engine serch online and found a websight that said this: 'While watching some of those delightful late night tv shows (Jay Leno and Conan O'Brian) I had an opportunity to watch a delightful commercial. I was just sitting, lounging on the futon in our basement. A rhythm guitar started the steady beat and a rough voice rasped over-top. The pictures on the screen was of a scantly clad woman with wings.
I said to myself, 'That sounds like Bob Dylan. Hot Damn!'
I dug into my limited Dylan collection to see if I could identify the song. No mistake. The same song on the commercial is the first track from 'Time Out of Mind' titled Lovesick.'

# 8 20 years ago

I had seen the 'Angel' commercial and fell inlove with the song playin in it, but didn't know whom did that voice belong or the name of the song. So I went searching online and came across this web sight It had this written there: 'While watching some of those delightful late night tv shows (Jay Leno and Conan O'Brian) I had an opportunity to watch a delightful commercial. I was just sitting, lounging on the futon in our basement. A rhythm guitar started the steady beat and a rough voice rasped over-top. The pictures on the screen was of a scantly clad woman with wings.
I said to myself, 'That sounds like Bob Dylan. Hot Damn!'
I dug into my limited Dylan collection to see if I could identify the song. No mistake. The same song on the commercial is the first track from 'Time Out of Mind' titled Lovesick.'
So I thought I'd let you know. Thanx Nadya

# 9 20 years ago

> The Victoria's Secret song is by Bob Dylan, but I don't know the title.
:> Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
>> Thanks!

bob dylan-love sick

# 10 20 years ago

It is the first few bars from the song lovesick, from the album time out of mind by dylan... yes indeed... dylan in a soft porno bra selling ad....
> The Victoria's Secret song is by Bob Dylan, but I don't know the title.
:> Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
>> Thanks!

# 11 20 years ago

According to my research just now, it is called 'Lovesick' and is from the album Time Out of Mind. I haven't yet verified that by downloading and listening to the song, but this person had written a published article and certainly sounded sure of himself. Hope that helps! :)

: The Victoria's Secret song is by Bob Dylan, but I don't know the title.
:> Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
>> Thanks!

# 12 20 years ago

> The Victoria's Secret song is by Bob Dylan, but I don't know the title.
:> Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
>> Thanks!

# 13 19 years ago

> The Victoria's Secret song is by Bob Dylan, but I don't know the title.
> : Anyone know the music from the new Victoria's Secret 'Angel' ad, or the Keri lotion ad with the woman dancing around?
> > Thanks!
> who is the victoria's secret angel? what's her name? is she an actress or a model? where is she from, anyone know?
> thanks.
# 14 19 years ago

What is the name of that song in the VS commerical awhile back. Celebrate? With the blonde model on a chair with a black background? She was sort of dancing to the song in her chair. The song lyrics that I can remember were "celebrate"
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