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lyrics of from the start BY.RACHEL ANN GO

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# 1 18 years ago

I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 2 18 years ago

> I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 3 18 years ago

> > I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 4 18 years ago

> > I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 5 18 years ago

> > I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 6 18 years ago

> > I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
kng pwdi sana ibi** nyo na ang lyrics na from the startni MS.RACHEL ANN GO pls!!!!!! kc paburito ko yon e
# 7 18 years ago

> I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 8 18 years ago

> I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 9 18 years ago

> I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 10 18 years ago

> I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 11 18 years ago

> I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 12 18 years ago

> I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
# 13 18 years ago

Endless, we'll be together always
and I will hold forever
This love that we have come to know
we'll always stay In love this say
until forever and a day
and I will never ever change
cause you are all my eyes can see
it's everlasting

Promise that you'll always love me
That I will be your one and only
and that you'll hold me 'til eternity

Say you'll keep me in your heart
Promise me, we'll never part
I can only love you so much more
cause you are all I'm living for
and the only thing I'd do
Is to give my love to you
and forever you'll be in my heart
The way I've always loved you from the start

Hold me like you've never done before
let me dream away my life
let me spend this night away
until it's morning love me say
you'll never leave me
even if tomorrow
there will be no more sun to shine
you're all that matters

Promise that you'll always love me
That I will be your one and only
and that you'll hold me 'til eternity

[Refrain:] [2x]
Say you'll keep me in your heart
Promise me, we'll never part
I can only love you so much more
cause you are all I'm living for
and the only thing I'd do
Is to give my love to you
and forever you'll be in my heart
The way I've always loved you from the start

# 14 18 years ago

Endless, we'll be together always
and I will hold forever
This love that we have come to know
we'll always stay In love this say
until forever and a day
and I will never ever change
cause you are all my eyes can see
it's everlasting

Promise that you'll always love me
That I will be your one and only
and that you'll hold me 'til eternity

Say you'll keep me in your heart
Promise me, we'll never part
I can only love you so much more
cause you are all I'm living for
and the only thing I'd do
Is to give my love to you
and forever you'll be in my heart
The way I've always loved you from the start

Hold me like you've never done before
let me dream away my life
let me spend this night away
until it's morning love me say
you'll never leave me
even if tomorrow
there will be no more sun to shine
you're all that matters

Promise that you'll always love me
That I will be your one and only
and that you'll hold me 'til eternity

[Refrain:] [2x]
Say you'll keep me in your heart
Promise me, we'll never part
I can only love you so much more
cause you are all I'm living for
and the only thing I'd do
Is to give my love to you
and forever you'll be in my heart
The way I've always loved you from the start

# 15 18 years ago

> I WANT TO ASK FROM THE START BY MS.RACHEL ANN GO!PLS LANG PO TALAGA,KC GUSTO KO TALAGA ANG KANTA NIYA NA ITO.KAYA IBI** NIYO NA PLS.....................................................................................
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