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Re: Re: I want to talk to Hillary Duff.

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# 1 18 years ago

im one of your biggest fan and i wanted to ask a question:how does it feel to be famous?
# 2 18 years ago

> im one of your biggest fan and i wanted to ask a question:how does it feel to be famous?
# 3 18 years ago

> im one of your biggest fan and i wanted to say u are really beautiful and alot of people probably ask u this butdo u like all the attention and all that and y do u never come to Canada well i hope u have fun doing watever u do bye
# 4 18 years ago

i would like to ask hillary duff if me and my friend are aloud to use your tune to become a popstar we are only using a bit of your tune but we are not using any of your words
# 5 18 years ago

> im one of your biggest fan i have all of ure vidios i really want to meet u some day i think u act great in the filmb a cinderella story i have ure cd its great well by now lots of love eviexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# 6 18 years ago

> im one of your biggest fan i have all of ure vidios i really want to meet u some day i think u act great in the filmb a cinderella story i have ure cd its great well by now lots of love eviexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# 7 17 years ago

> im one of your biggest fan and i wanted to ask a question:how does it feel to be famous?
# 8 17 years ago

> i would like to ask hillary duff if me and my friend are aloud to use your tune to become a popstar we are only using a bit of your tune but we are not using any of your words
# 9 18 years ago

hey Hillary I love you so much I was hopeing to go to you'r concert but we didn't get to because we missed it. my dad and I always turn you'r music hi in the car and we sing it my dad dosn't really no the words yet but my brother no's all the words to you'r new song wake up and he is only 5 and that is kind of wird to me. and so can youy come to oklahoma city so I can go to you'r concert and see you ther I gess bye. keanna you as a friend bye~lol
# 10 18 years ago

hey Hillary I love you so much I was hopeing to go to you'r concert but we didn't get to because we missed it. my dad and I always turn you'r music hi in the car and we sing it my dad dosn't really no the words yet but my brother no's all the words to you'r new song wake up and he is only 5 and that is kind of wird to me. and so can youy come to oklahoma city so I can go to you'r concert and see you ther I gess bye. keanna you as a friend bye~lol
# 11 18 years ago

Hey Hillary I love you so much I was hopeing to go to you'r concert but we didn't get to because we missed it. My dad and I always turn you'r music hi in the car and we sing it my dad dosn't really no the words yet but my brother no's all the words to you'r new song wake up and he is only 5 and that is kind of wird to me. And so can youy come to oklahoma city so I can go to you'r concert and see you ther I gess bye. keanna you as a friend bye~lol
# 12 18 years ago

my friend always talk about you in a
good way she has a blanket with your
name on it ,and all your CDs to is
there any way you can give an idea
to stop her from talking about you
all the time. not in a bad way.
# 13 18 years ago

> im am your biggest fan and i wanted to ask a question:how does it feel to be famous?
# 14 18 years ago

> i would like to ask hillary duff if me and my friend and i want here to tell me were you live and e-mail me your atoghraf
from your bigest fan meza age 7
# 15 18 years ago

> > i would like to ask hillary duff if me and my friend and i want here to tell me were you live and e-mail me your atoghraf
> from your bigest fan meza age 7
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