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MTV Diary Commercial (Gidion Yago)

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# 1 21 years ago

i recently saw a MTV Diary Commercial w/ Gidion Yago (not sure if i spelled his name right): the one about the war. there is this song that is played throughout the entire commercial. i've heard it in other commercial, especialy on MTV. what song is it? it's driving me NUTS!
# 2 21 years ago

> i recently saw a MTV Diary Commercial w/ Gidion Yago (not sure if i spelled his name right): the one about the war. there is this song that is played throughout the entire commercial. i've heard it in other commercial, especialy on MTV. what song is it? it's driving me NUTS! - IT'S THE ONE THAT WILL AIR SOMETIME NEXT WEEK OR SO. HE'S IN KUWAIT WITH THE SOLDIERS....

# 3 21 years ago

> : i recently saw a MTV Diary Commercial w/ Gidion Yago (not sure if i spelled his name right): the one about the war. there is this song that is played throughout the entire commercial. i've heard it in other commercial, especialy on MTV. what song is it? it's driving me NUTS! - IT'S THE ONE THAT WILL AIR SOMETIME NEXT WEEK OR SO. HE'S IN KUWAIT WITH THE SOLDIERS....
The music is by Moby, the song is on his album Play, the song is called 'Why does my heart feel so bad' and the version on mtv is the instrumental version, which is not on the album, but if you listen to the song, you'll notice the music.

# 4 21 years ago

I think your song is 'in this world' by moby

# 5 21 years ago

Marco Polo
> : i recently saw a MTV Diary Commercial w/ Gidion Yago (not sure if i spelled his name right): the one about the war. there is this song that is played throughout the entire commercial. i've heard it in other commercial, especialy on MTV. what song is it? it's driving me NUTS! - IT'S THE ONE THAT WILL AIR SOMETIME NEXT WEEK OR SO. HE'S IN KUWAIT WITH THE SOLDIERS....

It's by Moby - In This World ... enjoy!

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