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Cingular wireless ad-talk talk

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# 1 21 years ago

There's a cingular wireless ad with their logo dancing to it. 'Talk Talk' I Think? Might be an 80's song, 'all you wanna do is talk talk', probably really easy...
# 2 21 years ago

> There's a cingular wireless ad with their logo dancing to it. 'Talk Talk' I Think? Might be an 80's song, 'all you wanna do is talk talk', probably really easy...

The song is 'Talk, Talk' by the 80s group 'Talk, Talk.' yeah, it was easy.
# 3 21 years ago

> There's a cingular wireless ad with their logo dancing to it. 'Talk Talk' I Think? Might be an 80's song, 'all you wanna do is talk talk', probably really easy...

It's 'Talk Talk' by the 80s group Talk Talk. Yeah, it was easy.

# 4 21 years ago

The name of the song is 'Talk Talk' by the band Talk Talk.
> There's a cingular wireless ad with their logo dancing to it. 'Talk Talk' I Think? Might be an 80's song, 'all you wanna do is talk talk', probably really easy...

# 5 21 years ago

> There's a cingular wireless ad with their logo dancing to it. 'Talk Talk' I Think? Might be an 80's song, 'all you wanna do is talk talk', probably really easy...
The name and artist of the song is 'Talk Talk' by Talk Talk, an 80's band.
# 6 21 years ago

> There's a cingular wireless ad with their logo dancing to it. 'Talk Talk' I Think? Might be an 80's song, 'all you wanna do is talk talk', probably really easy...

The name of the band is Talk Talk and so is the song ('Talk Talk') and yes, it is an 80's song. Easily downloaded on a p2p site.

# 7 21 years ago

> There's a cingular wireless ad with their logo dancing to it. 'Talk Talk' I Think? Might be an 80's song, 'all you wanna do is talk talk', probably really easy...
So easy you've already said the answer! It's 'Talk Talk' by the group Talk Talk. (Mark Hollis vo 'All you do with me is talk talk'), from their out of print EMI America 1st album 'The Party's Over' but also on collection and an 80s compilation.
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