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Matercard Priceless Dog Ad

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# 1 21 years ago

I'm looking for the reggae version 'Got To Be Me' song from the Mastercard Priceless 'accepted wherever dogs are' commercial.
# 2 21 years ago

> I'm looking for the reggae version 'Got To Be Me' song from the Mastercard Priceless 'accepted wherever dogs are' commercial.
One question....'WHY?'
try Kazaa you fuck.
# 3 21 years ago

Just how pathetic do you know you are deep down inside to need to put someone down so hard over an opinion so minor as this -- Isn't there something a bit more impressive that you think you're worthy of feeling holier than? If my life was so bad that the only way I could feel better about myself was to dump on someone who seems to think a little dog is cute, I'd take a handfull of pills. Possibly Kazaa didn't have it as named when I checked? Maybe I thought I'd have to find out how get it for my little nieces' and nephew's mix disk from someone else? Jeez.

# 4 20 years ago

I'm looking for the Mastercard Priceless Dog ad that was aired the night of the Oscar's on February 29, 2004. It was a three-part ad, and I missed the last of the three commercials.
# 5 20 years ago

> I'm looking for the martercad commercial, where a guy ask his girfriend for a blowjob while his hand is pressing the intercom so everybody at home was is very fanny.
# 6 19 years ago

> > I'm looking for the martercad commercial, where a guy ask his girfriend for a blowjob while his hand is pressing the intercom so everybody at home was is very fanny.
# 7 19 years ago

> > I'm looking for the martercad commercial, where a guy ask his girfriend for a blowjob while his hand is pressing the intercom so everybody at home was is very fanny.
# 8 18 years ago

> I'm looking for the breed of dog that was used in more than one MC add.. It was black and white and looked a little bit like a Boston Terrier, but was bigger than a Boston Terrier - it kind of looked like a Boston Terrier mixed with a Boxer... can you help? Pedigree used a like dog as did BMW in a print ad and nobody will contact me. thanks.
# 9 18 years ago

The Boston Terrier was bred down in size from what is called the "Olde English Bulldogge", not an English Bulldog. The can run up 44lbs, where Bostons should be about 22lbs. It could also have been a mixed breed.
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