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what's the name of the song in the mtv commerical with the guy throwing rocks at the girls window

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# 1 21 years ago

what's the name of the song in the mtv commerical with the guy throwing rocks at the girls window and shes not there she's at his house throwing's driving me crazy it was also on real world
# 2 21 years ago

MTV sucks
try, one of the 8 yr old girls might know.
# 3 21 years ago

> try, one of the 8 yr old girls might know.
Already tried it smart ass why do you think i came here.
# 4 21 years ago

again, suck.
Because you are fucktarded enough to think that people like MTV, and even worse, the 'real' world.

# 5 21 years ago

> Because you are fucktarded enough to think that people like MTV, and even worse, the 'real' world.
> Looser.
Serious whats your problem im sick of people who think music is their's a clue there's more to life than putting down MTV.... why don't you put that effort into something that matters, like helping out others in need ...fucking selfish bastard. I'm sorry mtv is soo mainstream for you but who cares it's a tv network get over it.

# 6 21 years ago

3 times a lady
oh yeh I almost forgot, you suck also.
# 7 21 years ago

> oh yeh I almost forgot, you suck also.
ohhhhh good come back dont try to be so hardcore're NOT
if you were you would be on this site
# 8 21 years ago

4 times a suckin'
you = suck

:> oh yeh I almost forgot, you suck also.
> ohhhhh good come back dont try to be so hardcore're NOT
: if you were you would be on this site

# 9 21 years ago

it's destiny from zero 7... dude it's the best new band of last year man get the album
# 10 21 years ago

the song is called destiny by zero7. its in the blue crush soundtrack as well.
# 11 21 years ago

> what's the name of the song in the mtv commerical with the guy throwing rocks at the girls window and shes not there she's at his house throwing's driving me crazy it was also on real world
it's called destiny by zero seven if anyone cares to know its also on the blue crush soundtrack

# 12 21 years ago

> Because you are fucktarded enough to think that people like MTV, and even worse, the 'real' world.
> Looser.
I disagree - it is YOU sir - who are 'fucktarded' for unleashing such a fierce barrage on one who wishes you no sulphuric ill will. I would like to think this would not come to fisticuffs, yet I can promise nothing. FOR SHAME.

# 13 20 years ago

> : Because you are fucktarded enough to think that people like MTV, and even worse, the 'real' world.
>> Looser.
> Serious whats your problem im sick of people who think music is their's a clue there's more to life than putting down MTV.... why don't you put that effort into something that matters, like helping out others in need ...fucking selfish bastard. I'm sorry mtv is soo mainstream for you but who cares it's a tv network get over it.

i want to know this song's name too ~~~!!

# 14 19 years ago

> what's the name of the song in the mtv commerical with the guy throwing rocks at the girls window and shes not there she's at his house throwing's driving me crazy it was also on real world


I know that the song is on the I'm With Lucy Soundtrack...

I've been trying to find which one, and its name, but i haven't had any luck.

Please let me know if you find it, cuz i WANT it!
# 15 19 years ago

> what's the name of the song in the mtv commerical with the guy throwing rocks at the girls window and shes not there she's at his house throwing's driving me crazy it was also on real world

The song is called Destiny by Zero 7
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