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Doritos Commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

Does anyone remember a Doritos commercial from the late 80s or early 90s with a jingle that included the line "Bob Bob Bob" and something about a mosquito?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

# 2 18 years ago

Dear Kathleen,

How funny that I just came across your post! Here I am searching the web looking for the exact same thing! It was definitely late 80s early 90s. All I remember is "Bob, Bob, Bob, He doesn't attract mosquitoes; Bob, Bob, Bob, He likes to eat Doritos."

Have you found anything yet? I would be really interested in anything you come up with, if you wouldn't mind passing it on.



> Does anyone remember a Doritos commercial from the late 80s or early 90s with a jingle that included the line "Bob Bob Bob" and something about a mosquito?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
# 3 18 years ago

does anyone remember the doritos commercial were the womens doing yoga with her legs over her head

any pictures of this commercial would be appreciated!

# 4 18 years ago

Have u guys found the freashmen doritos commercial...u know 4 the guacamole chips?

# 5 11 years ago

I AM BOB! Yes I remeber those MANY Doritos Bob commercial from the 90s, not 80s. Bob Bob Bob he doesn't attract mosquitos, Bob Bob Bob he likes to eat doritos. There were many Doritos Bob commercials, one were Bob is bowling, one with Bob's girlfriend, there was also a car commerical where all the street signs, said Bob. Bob ighway, this way Bob, at the end a cop pulled Bob over and said "oh, it's you Bob!" I have all of them on VHS. Don't know how I could get them on the internet. . . Bob.
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