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# 1 18 years ago

Dear omarion,
Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
# 2 18 years ago

Hi omarion I am one of your biggest fan ever I realy like alot I mean your songs means so much to me. Like O to me it talking about that you are ready to take a realy big step and the relationship with his girlfriend . bye janay
# 3 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
# 4 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
# 5 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
# 6 18 years ago

> Hi omarion I am one of your biggest fan ever I realy like alot I mean your songs means so much to me. Like O to me it talking about that you are ready to take a realy big step and the relationship with his girlfriend . bye janay
# 7 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
# 8 18 years ago

Dear omarion, Hi this is your true biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath Like I did at the concert when you told us to hold up are O's that you will be looking directly at us i did but I don't think you saw me. You had my arms all tired. I was alway's tying to figure out how to e-mail you even though this might not even really be you if you write back but it would be nice if you did really. It would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
so if you can please pretty pleae do.

A true hot girl,Shay
# 9 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean a me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
# 10 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
# 11 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o ,touch, and i'm tryna the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
# 12 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
# 13 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!!
# 14 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> Hi this is your biggest fan ever i love your videos, and songs o , and touch the cd o is off the chain for real if i was to see you in person i would lose my breath but it would be the best day of my life you mean alot to me sorry bout what happened between b2k but i like you by yourself. Well, i will surely most definetly looking for your E-mail!! I love you your body is FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# 15 18 years ago

> Dear omarion,
> hi this is your biggest fan i love you very much i just wanted to write my favorite singer i wish i would be able to go to one of your concerts somtime but i dont have the money for it and my mom wont pay for one for me i even dream of seeing you in real life for once
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