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Music in Recent JCPenny's ad

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# 1 21 years ago

Looking to find out who did the song in the recent JCPenny ads. The lyrics go..'This is gonna be fun, This is gonna be real...' It has sorta a Cheryl Crow beat to it. Anyone know.
# 2 21 years ago

> Looking to find out who did the song in the recent JCPenny ads. The lyrics go..'This is gonna be fun, This is gonna be real...' It has sorta a Cheryl Crow beat to it. Anyone know.

# 3 20 years ago

> Looking to find out who did the song in the recent JCPenny ads. The lyrics go..'This is gonna be fun, This is gonna be real...' It has sorta a Cheryl Crow beat to it. Anyone know.

the song is by Rose Falcon. The song is called 'Fun'
# 4 20 years ago

I can't find it either. I know the song name is 'Fun,' but that doesn't help much, now, does it?
# 5 19 years ago

Looking for who sings that song int he recent jcpenny commercial it goes sumthing like this.

Shake ur body 1 2, 1 2
# 6 19 years ago

Looking for who sings that song int he recent jcpenny commercial it goes sumthing like this.

Shake ur body 1 2, 1 2
# 7 19 years ago

It's by Stagga Lee, called "rock ya body" (mic check 1,2) the CD is not yet released, but it will be soon. Look for it in stores!
# 8 19 years ago

> Looking to find out who did the song in the recent JCPenny ads. The lyrics go..'check your body mic check one two oh oh ' Anyone know.
# 9 19 years ago

> Looking to find out who did the song in the recent JCPenny ads. The lyrics go..'This is gonna be fun, This is gonna be real...' It has sorta a Cheryl Crow beat to it. Anyone know.
I found it! The song is 'Rock Ya Body Mic Check 1, 2 - Featuring Stagga Lee'
# 10 19 years ago

yea..its bout tyme yall start listenin to our type of music..i luv da commercial..respect
emmanuel reppin da US Virgin Islands
# 11 19 years ago

> Looking for who sings that song int he recent jcpenny commercial it goes sumthing like this.
> Shake ur body 1 2, 1 2
# 12 19 years ago

I'm also looking for the name of the song in the most recent JcPenny Commercial. I know what the guy looks like, but I just can't seem to find his name and the name of the song. He says something like, "Shake your body. Check, Check. 1 2, 1 2."

It has that little white girl that was in the Missy Elliot video in the commercial dancing. Please help!!!!!!!
# 13 19 years ago

> I'm also looking for the name of the song in the most recent JcPenny Commercial. I know what the guy looks like, but I just can't seem to find his name and the name of the song. He says something like, "Shake your body. Check, Check. 1 2, 1 2."
> It has that little white girl that was in the Missy Elliot video in the commercial dancing. Please help!!!!!!!
# 14 19 years ago

> > I'm also looking for the name of the song in the most recent JcPenny Commercial. I know what the guy looks like, but I just can't seem to find his name and the name of the song. He says something like, "Shake your body. Check, Check. 1 2, 1 2."
> >
> > It has that little white girl that was in the Missy Elliot video in the commercial dancing. Please help!!!!!!!
# 15 19 years ago

> The song is by Stagga Lee- Rock ya Body Mic Check 1, 2
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