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radio free roscoe song

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# 16 18 years ago

Hey !! I Love that song too..ans tonight I was looking for it .. And I found a website with I don't know if there is all of the song on that website but there's a lot of them... so the song you are looking for is .. everything goes away by careless!!
and the website is :
# 17 18 years ago

> There was a song played in the background in the episode where Kim left for Paris. It was playing while Robbie and Kim were saying goodbye. Some of th lyrics were "fly right by your circumstance...sunday time to pretend...everything goes away." any idea what the song is and who sings it?
# 18 18 years ago

it is named by Careless - Everything Goes Away! please leave a message if you can download it somewhere.. thanks
# 19 18 years ago

It's called 'everything goes away' by Careless
# 20 18 years ago

William for the song
# 21 18 years ago

> i think that pretty much all songs in the background on radio free roscoe are awesome!! i just never know what they are!! it would be cool if there was a list of the songs they play on an RFR website!! i am watching RFR now and there was a song in the background and some of the words were "today is gonna be the day that, you turn and realize that you made it" that sounded pretty cool!!
# 22 18 years ago

> > i think that pretty much all songs in the background on radio free roscoe are awesome!! i just never know what they are!! it would be cool if there was a list of the songs they play on an RFR website!! i am watching RFR now and there was a song in the background and some of the words were "today is gonna be the day that, you turn and realize that you made it" that sounded pretty cool!!
# 23 18 years ago

> i think that pretty much all songs in the background on radio free roscoe are awesome!! i just never know what they are!! it would be cool if there was a list of the songs they play on an RFR website!! i am watching RFR now and there was a song in the background and some of the words were "today is gonna be the day that, you turn and realize that you made it" that sounded pretty cool!!
# 24 18 years ago

I KNOW! i freaking wanna know all the songs they play on there. theres this really good song a band played at a concert (on rfr) before lily went on to do her song.. it went like.. "ba ba ba, ba ba baby goodbye" sounds dumb but it was SO GOOD
# 25 18 years ago

> i think that pretty much all songs in the background on radio free roscoe are awesome!! i just never know what they are!! it would be cool if there was a list of the songs they play on an RFR website!! i am watching RFR now and there was a song in the background and some of the words were "today is gonna be the day that, you turn and realize that you made it" that sounded pretty cool!!
# 26 18 years ago

# 27 18 years ago

if anybody could get me the lyrics for you belong to somone else , please e-mail them to me!!!!!!!
# 28 18 years ago

yea, i really wanna find the music from rfr too, especially that song in the episode "i'm with cupid". i really want to find the main song in that, it kinda goes like "as i dive over the finish line....." lol ever since i heard it i hav been addicted and looking for the song, and it sux cuz i dont kno where to look.
# 29 18 years ago

> i think that pretty much all songs in the background on radio free roscoe are awesome!! i just never know what they are!! it would be cool if there was a list of the songs they play on an RFR website!! i am watching RFR now and there was a song in the background and some of the words were "today is gonna be the day that, you turn and realize that you made it" that sounded pretty cool!!
# 30 18 years ago

> i think that pretty much all songs in the background on radio free roscoe are awesome!! i just never know what they are!! it would be cool if there was a list of the songs they play on an RFR website!! i am watching RFR now and there was a song in the background and some of the words were "today is gonna be the day that, you turn and realize that you made it" that sounded pretty cool!!

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