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Girl in progressive insurance comercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Who is the girl in the progressive insurance know the one with the ex-girlfriend on line who is performing 'voodoo' to her former boyfriend, while he is out with a new date. Who is the girl that he is on the date with? She looks so hot in that shiney, plasma shiek short dress. Who is she!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!
# 2 21 years ago

> Who is the girl in the progressive insurance know the one with the ex-girlfriend on line who is performing 'voodoo' to her former boyfriend, while he is out with a new date. Who is the girl that he is on the date with? She looks so hot in that shiney, plasma shiek short dress. Who is she!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!
You may have already found out, but, just in case, I believe her name is Roberta Angelica. She guest-starred on Relic Hunter once, assumming the same person I saw on that episode is the girl in the commercial.
BTW . . . any help in identifying the OTHER young lady in that Progressive commercial would be great!
# 3 21 years ago

Thanks man!! You are the best!!!!!!!
>> Who is the girl in the progressive insurance know the one with the ex-girlfriend on line who is performing 'voodoo' to her former boyfriend, while he is out with a new date. Who is the girl that he is on the date with? She looks so hot in that shiney, plasma shiek short dress. Who is she!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!
> You may have already found out, but, just in case, I believe her name is Roberta Angelica. She guest-starred on Relic Hunter once, assumming the same person I saw on that episode is the girl in the commercial.
> BTW . . . any help in identifying the OTHER young lady in that Progressive commercial would be great!

# 4 20 years ago

> : Who is the girl in the progressive insurance know the one with the ex-girlfriend on line who is performing 'voodoo' to her former boyfriend, while he is out with a new date. Who is the girl that he is on the date with? She looks so hot in that shiney, plasma shiek short dress. Who is she!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!
> You may have already found out, but, just in case, I believe her name is Roberta Angelica. She guest-starred on Relic Hunter once, assumming the same person I saw on that episode is the girl in the commercial.
> BTW . . . any help in identifying the OTHER young lady in that Progressive commercial would be great!

# 5 20 years ago

> : Who is the girl in the progressive insurance know the one with the ex-girlfriend on line who is performing 'voodoo' to her former boyfriend, while he is out with a new date. Who is the girl that he is on the date with? She looks so hot in that shiney, plasma shiek short dress. Who is she!!!!!!! Help!!!!!!
> You may have already found out, but, just in case, I believe her name is Roberta Angelica. She guest-starred on Relic Hunter once, assumming the same person I saw on that episode is the girl in the commercial.
> BTW . . . any help in identifying the OTHER young lady in that Progressive commercial would be great!

# 6 20 years ago

I would love to see some vidcaps from that commercial. Does anyone know where there are some or could somebody post them?

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