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Lina really wants to meet Omarion!!!

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# 1 18 years ago

Hi my name is Jalina but my music/singing name is Lina. Ok yeah I know you probably get a lot of these fan letters but I really like your music. I'm 14 years old now and I'm just trying to make it out here in this tough world. I'm not trying to get all personal but I just don't want to end up like some folks these days, so if you can then please write to my E-mail ( or call me at (305)-627-0319. I'll be honored to work with you. Oh yeah, I live in Miami,FL. (please call) 1 LOVE!!!
# 2 18 years ago

> Hi my name is Jalina but my music/singing name is Lina. Ok yeah I know you probably get a lot of these fan letters but I really like your music. I'm 14 years old now and I'm just trying to make it out here in this tough world. I'm not trying to get all personal but I just don't want to end up like some folks these days, so if you can then please write to my E-mail ( or call me at (305)-627-0319. I'll be honored to work with you. Oh yeah, I live in Miami,FL. (please call) 1 LOVE!!!
# 3 18 years ago

Hi I'm stacey and I'm 14 years old. I would really want to meet omarion because it is my number one priority in life. I like him so much it's not even funny. I mean he is everything that a girl could dream of eail address is .I live in new york. My address is 121-26 238 street laurelton NY 11422 Thank you! holla at your gurl!
# 4 18 years ago

>haya omari, dis is yr no. 1 babygal fan in da UK. man i love u, bt mostly love yr talent which is; sinhin, dancin and acting. i could go on bt u, bt hay man i'll tell da rest when see u on my birthday which is:
13 january. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, cum and see me om my sweet 16. my number is:
cell: 07760265082
home: 01179670162
plz say hi to yr family and yr boys. god bless you
# 5 18 years ago

> Hi I'm Tasha and I'm 14 years old. I would really want to meet omarion because it is my number one priority in life. I like him so much it's not even funny. I mean he is everything that a girl could dream of having.My email address is .I live in hampton. My address is 117 ethel drive 23666. Thank you! holla at your gurl!
# 6 18 years ago

LaBarbara alford
Hi omarion my name is LaBarbara and i am your number one fan. Let me tell you about myself i am a handicap young women. i just gradate from high school as the top girl in the class this year. i am going to Macomb Community College in the fall. i am from the ''D'' a.k.a. Detroit i just love when you and the boys came to the ''D''. omarion you and the boys made it hot. i just love all the scearm tours i have be to all of them and going to be at all the scearm tour to came. You and your brother marques was and are the best in the whole world. Omarion i love your album ''O'' it make me feel good inside i listen to it every night. MY favorite song is ''Slow dacin.'' Omarion can you please came visit the ''D'' i will love to see you and tell you how much i love you in person. You and your brother Marques heep singing because you are successful in life. Omarion you and your brother Marques are the best and always will be in my heart. Remember i love you omarion i always will. Please email me at I LOVE YOU OMARION

LaBarbara Alford
# 7 18 years ago

LaBarbara alford
Hi omarion my name is LaBarbara and i am your number one fan. Let me tell you about myself i am a handicap young women. i just gradate from high school as the top girl in the class this year. i am going to Macomb Community College in the fall. i am from the ''D'' a.k.a. Detroit i just love when you and the boys came to the ''D''. omarion you and the boys made it hot. i just love all the scearm tours i have be to all of them and going to be at all the scearm tour to came. You and your brother marques was and are the best in the whole world. Omarion i love your album ''O'' it make me feel good inside i listen to it every night. MY favorite song is ''Slow dacin.'' Omarion can you please came visit the ''D'' i will love to see you and tell you how much i love you in person. You and your brother Marques heep singing because you are successful in life. Omarion you and your brother Marques are the best and always will be in my heart. Remember i love you omarion i always will. Please email me at I LOVE YOU OMARION

LaBarbara Alford
# 8 18 years ago

LaBarbara alford
Hi omarion my name is LaBarbara and i am your number one fan. Let me tell you about myself i am a handicap young women. i just gradate from high school as the top girl in the class this year. i am going to Macomb Community College in the fall. i am from the ''D'' a.k.a. Detroit i just love when you and the boys came to the ''D''. omarion you and the boys made it hot. i just love all the scearm tours i have be to all of them and going to be at all the scearm tour to came. You and your brother marques was and are the best in the whole world. Omarion i love your album ''O'' it make me feel good inside i listen to it every night. MY favorite song is ''Slow dacin.'' Omarion can you please came visit the ''D'' i will love to see you and tell you how much i love you in person. You and your brother Marques heep singing because you are successful in life. Omarion you and your brother Marques are the best and always will be in my heart. Remember i love you omarion i always will. Please email me at I LOVE YOU OMARION

LaBarbara Alford
# 9 18 years ago

> Hi my name is Jalina but my music/singing name is Lina. Ok yeah I know you probably get a lot of these fan letters but I really like your music. I'm 14 years old now and I'm just trying to make it out here in this tough world. I'm not trying to get all personal but I just don't want to end up like some folks these days, so if you can then please write to my E-mail ( or call me at (305)-627-0319. I'll be honored to work with you. Oh yeah, I live in Miami,FL. (please call) 1 LOVE!!!
# 10 18 years ago

Hi Omarion this is your baby Alisha e-mail at gprincess8765. Ilove you. You are my favorite.
# 11 18 years ago

Hi Omarion this is your baby Alisha e-mail at gprincess8765. Ilove you. You are my favorite.
# 12 18 years ago

Hi Omarion this is your baby Alisha e-mail at gprincess8765. Ilove you. You are my favorite.
# 13 18 years ago

Hi Omarion this is your baby Alisha e-mail at gprincess8765. Ilove you. You are my favorite.
# 14 18 years ago

hi my name is anin and i really like your music and i really want to meet you. i am one of your biggest fans and i really like you alot. i think it would be cool to meat you. i think you are the hottest one out of b2k. well i hope you e-mail me back. love anina <3
# 15 18 years ago

> hi my name is anina and i really like your music and i really want to meet you. i am one of your biggest fans and i really like you alot. i think it would be cool to meat you. i think you are the hottest one out of b2k. well i hope you e-mail me back. love anina <3
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