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New Song (Maybe), Sounded like Gwen Stefani

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# 1 21 years ago

I was driving through a major snow storm. I heard a sensual song with a lot of keyboards that sounded like Gwen Stefani. Because it took a great deal of concentration just to drive, I cannot remember the lyrics. I heard it on two different stations, so I am guessing it is new. It is not any of the previous Gwen Stefani / No Doubt hits.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I asked someone else in the car and she agreed that it sounded like Gwen Stefani. It was a reletively slow and mellow song that was very sexy. It had very distinctive keyboard (electronica) sounds. As we were traveling we were switching stations as we would lose a station. Neither station gave any information after the song. We heard the song twice so I am guessing it is new.

# 2 21 years ago

I think you're thinking of 'Running' and it is by No Doubt.

# 3 20 years ago

Try 'Underneath It All' off their new CD. No promises, but this may be the song you're after.
# 4 21 years ago

> I was driving through a major snow storm. I heard a sensual song with a lot of keyboards that sounded like Gwen Stefani. Because it took a great deal of concentration just to drive, I cannot remember the lyrics. I heard it on two different stations, so I am guessing it is new. It is not any of the previous Gwen Stefani / No Doubt hits.
> Does anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks!
> I asked someone else in the car and she agreed that it sounded like Gwen Stefani. It was a reletively slow and mellow song that was very sexy. It had very distinctive keyboard (electronica) sounds. As we were traveling we were switching stations as we would lose a station. Neither station gave any information after the song. We heard the song twice so I am guessing it is new.
i think that the song you are talking about is called 'love to love you baby' which is a remake that gwen stefani sung for the zoolander soundtrack. i don't know though!

# 5 21 years ago

i believe that the song that u are talking about is 'Running' by gwen stefani in the album ROCK STEADY
# 6 19 years ago

> > I was driving through a major snow storm. I heard a sensual song with a lot of keyboards that sounded like Gwen Stefani. Because it took a great deal of concentration just to drive, I cannot remember the lyrics. I heard it on two different stations, so I am guessing it is new. It is not any of the previous Gwen Stefani / No Doubt hits.
> > Does anyone have any ideas?
> > Thanks!
> > I asked someone else in the car and she agreed that it sounded like Gwen Stefani. It was a reletively slow and mellow song that was very sexy. It had very distinctive keyboard (electronica) sounds. As we were traveling we were switching stations as we would lose a station. Neither station gave any information after the song. We heard the song twice so I am guessing it is new.
> i think that the song you are talking about is called 'love to love you baby' which is a remake that gwen stefani sung for the zoolander soundtrack. i don't know though!
i think it may have been BATHWATER
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