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# 1 21 years ago

whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
# 2 21 years ago

> whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
the band is MXPX, in the full length commercial, you see the banner that says MXPX behind them. but i don't know what song yet.
# 3 21 years ago

yea... idk the name of the song either.. i really like it too.. but listen.. its on there new cd.. and that doesn't come out till i think april or may they said on there website.. so yea.. by then we should know the song! lol if u wanna chekc it out for urself.. i think its or somethin like that

# 4 21 years ago

i love mxpx but i cant find out what song they used in that comercial!

# 5 21 years ago

Whats the name of the song that they are playing
in the diet pepsi commercial??????

# 6 21 years ago

ive been a fan of mxpx, & seeing this commercial was kinda weird... what the hell are they doing in a pepsi ad. anyway the commercial's funny, the guy's hot, & i happen to really like that song, so its all good. and its called 'well adjusted'. its not released, fuckit so get it out on mp3s somehow and maybe i'll be able to get it someday. LATER

# 7 21 years ago
> : whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
> the band is MXPX, in the full length commercial, you see the banner that says MXPX behind them. but i don't know what song yet.

# 8 21 years ago

the song name is well adjusted I think it will be on the new album

# 9 21 years ago

> : whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
> the band is MXPX, in the full length commercial, you see the banner that says MXPX behind them. but i don't know what song yet.

# 10 20 years ago

> : whats the name and or bands name in the new i wanna know thename by mxpx in that comercial?
# 11 20 years ago

i wanna know the name of the song by mxpx in that comercial?

# 12 20 years ago

> : whats the name and or bands name in the new Diet Pepsi commercial? Its the commercial with the kid at the concert in the mud and he looks over and sees his dad next to him.
> the band is MXPX, in the full length commercial, you see the banner that says MXPX behind them. but i don't know what song yet.

I've read that it's called 'Well Adjusted' and hasn't been released as of yet. I can't find it on Kazaa, but maybe someone else will have better luck

# 13 20 years ago

The song in that Diet Pepsi commercial IS, in fact, by MXPX... the song is called, 'Well Adjusted.'
# 14 20 years ago

# 15 20 years ago

Ima Barlow
the song is called well-adjusted. the mxpx site is the site's pretty cool, and the band's rockin awesome. I was lookin up stuff and found that out from the site of another cool band called slick shoes. Their website is check em out cuz they're COOL! :-D
Just thought I'd let ya kno in case U didn't find out yet.
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