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nissan Xterra

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# 1 18 years ago

anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."
# 2 18 years ago

I think its "stay as you are" by "Span"
# 3 18 years ago

> anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."

>>Yeah, it's "Stay As You Are" by Span
# 4 18 years ago

> anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."

Span - Stay as you are
# 5 18 years ago

> anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."

No, but anyone know the Xterra commercial music
> guy sounds like early Rod Stewart?

" my way, my soul..... eyes wide open....."
# 6 18 years ago

> > anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."
> No, but anyone know the Xterra commercial music
> > guy sounds like early Rod Stewart?
> " my way, my soul..... eyes wide open....."
The song from the Nissan Xterra commercial, is called 'High as the ceiling' by Stereophonics, a great band from Wales, from their last CD, "you Gotta go there to come back' Another song from that CD appears on the soundtrack of the movie 'Crash' it is 'Maybe tomorrow'. Yes he does have a Rod Steward voice only much stronger, his name is Kelly Jones, great band, check out their website!

# 7 18 years ago

> > anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."
> No, but anyone know the Xterra commercial music
> > guy sounds like early Rod Stewart?
> " my way, my soul..... eyes wide open....."
The band is called Span, the cd is Mass Distraction
# 8 18 years ago

> > anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."
> No, but anyone know the Xterra commercial music
> > guy sounds like early Rod Stewart?
> " my way, my soul..... eyes wide open....."

It is the group SPAN Stay as you are....find it and the others at the nissan site ...under watch the videos.
# 9 18 years ago

I have trying to find out who does that song too, I was thinking it was by Auidio Slave but it is not, I'm dying to get a copy of that song! Any help is much appreciated! > > anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."
> No, but anyone know the Xterra commercial music
> > guy sounds like early Rod Stewart?
> " my way, my soul..... eyes wide open....."
# 10 18 years ago

> > anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."
> No, but anyone know the Xterra commercial music
> > guy sounds like early Rod Stewart?
> " my way, my soul..... eyes wide open....."

I googled the second song for the same reasons, and this site popped up first. After some perusing, the first song is 'Stay as you are' by a Norweigan band called 'Span'. The second is called 'High as the ceiling' by Stereophonic.
# 11 18 years ago

> > anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."
> No, but anyone know the Xterra commercial music
> > guy sounds like early Rod Stewart?
> " my way, my soul..... eyes wide open....."

Yeah, that's by Sterophonics and the song is called "High As The Ceiling"
# 12 18 years ago

It's by Span and it's called Stay as you are.

> anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."

# 13 18 years ago

> > anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."
> No, but anyone know the Xterra commercial music
> > guy sounds like early Rod Stewart?
> " my way, my soul..... eyes wide open....."

# 14 18 years ago

high as the ceiling - stereophonics

singer often sounds a lot like rod stewart

> > anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."
> No, but anyone know the Xterra commercial music
> > guy sounds like early Rod Stewart?
> " my way, my soul..... eyes wide open....."

# 15 18 years ago

> > anyone know the name from the Nissan Xterra commercial "stay as you are and it won't make a difference..."
> No, but anyone know the Xterra commercial music
> > guy sounds like early Rod Stewart?
> "...find my way, my soul..... eyes wide open....."

The song is "High as the Ceiling" - Stereophonics
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