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Songs on American Dreams?

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# 1 21 years ago

I was just wondering what the name of the theme song is for American Dreams and where can I get a copy of it? Also, what was the name of the song that the kid sang at the end of the Febuary 9th episode and where can I get that?
# 2 21 years ago

idk about the feb. 9th song.. but i liked that one i think. but listen.. the theme song was an orginial song written for the tv show .. the lyrics go for the specific time period... like when t hey do the next time period.. the song will be changed.. umm if u wanna d/l the song.. just type in 'american dreams' in like kazzaa or something and u should get it.. i read on that same website that someday though the artist will actually make a song out of it .

# 3 21 years ago

Hi. I was able to find the theme song to 'American Dreams' at Kazaa by searching under 'artist' and 'Emerson Hart.' He's the guy who sings the theme song, I guess. Hope that helps. :)
# 4 20 years ago

> HI,
> I was just wondering what the name of the theme song is for American Dreams and where can I get a copy of it? Also, what was the name of the song that the kid sang at the end of the Febuary 9th episode and where can I get that?
> Thanks,
# 5 20 years ago

> HI,
> I was just wondering what the name of the theme song is for American Dreams and where can I get a copy of it? Also, what was the name of the song that the kid sang at the end of the Febuary 9th episode and where can I get that?
> Thanks,
# 6 19 years ago

> HI,
> I was just wondering what the name of the theme song is for American Dreams The original song..where he sing something with "just another american dreamer" i have looked everywhere and i could not find it anywhere please help me. Thanks,
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