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Admin? Can u answer this?

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# 1 22 years ago

Nah man, that's not the case. We all know iut's updated weekly - go to Thirteen:13 '50 Stories - it rates 9.05, has about 20 votes (has done for weeks, but still doesn't make the charts.
And what twat has voted 1million times for Banarama - Bana-fucking-rama?
The mind boggles

: actually this question arises weekly here. It is that they compute the charts only on a weekly basis.
: And the track you voted for has to make a certain score to enter the top 50.
> This week they were a little bit late but I just saw the charts have been updated.
>> :> No answer?....why bother with this site
>> : Your sucks, nobody responds
>> What bugs me about this site is that you can vote for a track and it doesn't make the charts, what's the point.

# 2 22 years ago

And PLEASE don't take offence! I love this site - it rocks! it's just that the no.50 entry - 50 Sisqo 'Thong Song' 8.48 8.67 12 has these scores - so it doesn't seem to add up.
> In Reply to: Re: Useless site posted by King Gonzo on October 16, 19101 at 11:59:10:
> Nah man, that's not the case. We all know iut's updated weekly - go to Thirteen:13 '50 Stories - it rates 9.05, has about 20 votes (has done for weeks, but still doesn't make the charts.
> And what twat has voted 1million times for Banarama - Bana-fucking-rama?
> The mind boggles
:> actually this question arises weekly here. It is that they compute the charts only on a weekly basis.
:> And the track you voted for has to make a certain score to enter the top 50.
>> This week they were a little bit late but I just saw the charts have been updated.
>> :> : No answer?....why bother with this site
>> :> Your sucks, nobody responds
>> : What bugs me about this site is that you can vote for a track and it doesn't make the charts, what's the point.

# 3 22 years ago

mmh: The Bananarama-thing is not correct, we know that. To prevent multi-voting we use a cookie system.
But we can't stop someone abusing our voting system by bypassing security checks...
We just modified the charts minimum votes to 18 to qualify.
All you (the users) have to do is VOTE for your favourite videos.
> And PLEASE don't take offence! I love this site - it rocks! it's just that the no.50 entry - 50 Sisqo 'Thong Song' 8.48 8.67 12 has these scores - so it doesn't seem to add up.
>> In Reply to: Re: Useless site posted by King Gonzo on October 16, 19101 at 11:59:10:
>> Nah man, that's not the case. We all know iut's updated weekly - go to Thirteen:13 '50 Stories - it rates 9.05, has about 20 votes (has done for weeks, but still doesn't make the charts.
>> And what twat has voted 1million times for Banarama - Bana-fucking-rama?
>> The mind boggles
:> : actually this question arises weekly here. It is that they compute the charts only on a weekly basis.
:> : And the track you voted for has to make a certain score to enter the top 50.
>> : This week they were a little bit late but I just saw the charts have been updated.
>> :> :> No answer?....why bother with this site
>> :> : Your sucks, nobody responds
>> :> What bugs me about this site is that you can vote for a track and it doesn't make the charts, what's the point.

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