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music in Verizon and Bailey's ads?

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# 1 21 years ago

The latest Verizon ad (don't trip) - very la-la power pop. The latest Bailey's Irish Creme where the lights go out and the guy tries to figure out who kissed him in the dark (I can't believe how stupid that looks written down) words heard; 'she has almond eyes, porcelin -' commercial ends. Also the latest Axe cologne ad.
# 2 21 years ago

Just found this about the Axe elevator commercial.
The music on this commercial is a live recording created for the television commercial by Novaprod a music production company in Paris, France. The title is 'L'Ascenceur'. The music was composed by Thierry Fauchard and Alain Plumauzille and published by Nova Tempo.
This is 'commercial music' that was created specifically for the elevator commercial. Only 30 seconds exists, it is not a snippet from a longer song that someone has sung. Unfortunately, this song cannot be purchased at a music store or downloaded via the internet. We will certainly pass your interest to our marketing staff.

# 3 21 years ago

The song in the Bailey's commercial is 'Do You Feel What I'm Thinking' by Mr. Natural. Caught my ear, too.
> The latest Verizon ad (don't trip) - very la-la power pop. The latest Bailey's Irish Creme where the lights go out and the guy tries to figure out who kissed him in the dark (I can't believe how stupid that looks written down) words heard; 'she has almond eyes, porcelin -' commercial ends. Also the latest Axe cologne ad.

# 4 21 years ago

The Verizon ad is a new song by American Hi-Fi called 'The Art of Losing'
# 5 20 years ago

So I try the Orion, I end up meeting a guy right away that tells me he's lusted me for months, then I run out and we break up, then I buy tsunami and I got 2 guys lovers fightin over me in a bar and my boss touchin my hands. Women actin stupid around me and people generally being strange. This shit is dangerous, it will cause ripples in your life trust me!
They need to put a warning label on that shit or something!
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