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talk to eminem

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# 1 18 years ago

hi marshall
# 2 18 years ago

> hi marshall
whatz up?I love you so much.I just wanna say thanks.U helped me by ur music how to rap and how to be a gangsta, i am a girl.Can girls be gangsta's?I love u, u r so hot.I cant get over u.I wish u were my husband
P.S. i am ur #1 fan i know everything about u.But what dont i know bout u or ur family?
# 3 18 years ago

> hi marshall
my name is Krystal and I just want to say,"HI EMINEM!!!!"
# 4 18 years ago

> hi marshall just wanted to thank you for an excellent concert at germain, went there with my son 17, he loved it i think i loved it more. All of you were great, lil john ludia criss everybody.
# 5 18 years ago

> > hi marshall just wanted to thank you for an excellent concert at germain, went there with my son 17, he loved it i think i loved it more. All of you were great, lil john ludia criss everybody.
# 6 18 years ago

> hi marshall,well my name is melissa but my frinds call me missy. I am going to florda in october around the 20th for my brithday and i wanted to know if your going to be around there at that time. I would like to have the chance to meet you. I will be 22 on the 31st of october and I am from winnipeg. I would pay you a million dollars just to have the chance to even see you. Because your hot. I'm not crazy fan, I just think your one of a kind. I dream of meeting you one day and maybe hitting it off. Well maybe you will make my wish come ture. If you want to know more just e-mail me. p.s i kinda look like brintey Murphy but hotter.

# 7 18 years ago

> hi marshall
i'm 12 years old and i'm your #1 fan. love all your musics specially my name is. I have all your posters and cd's. I LOVE YOU. my birthday is coming soon. My best gift is atleast hearing your voice. Please call me. My phone number is 718-392-4029. I'll be waiting for your call. LOVE YOU A LOT...
# 8 18 years ago

> hi marshall
your the coolist you know what my dad wont leet me lisen to your music it is good i'm 9 my two sisters and my brother like your music but i'm happy that my mom leets us and you know what i like about your music? cus like you write i funny song and then a agry song thats what i like about your music but my mom said one of your songs she didn't like i can't remeber what the name was but my mom said you wer singing about f**king you wife aganst the wall i love you music your sooooooooooooo cute from miranda
# 9 18 years ago

> > hi marshall
> your the coolist you know what my dad wont leet me lisen to your music it is good i'm 9 my two sisters and my brother like your music but i'm happy that my mom leets us and you know what i like about your music? cus like you write i funny song and then a agry song thats what i like about your music but my mom said one of your songs she didn't like i can't remeber what the name was but my mom said you wer singing about f**king you wife aganst the wall i love you music your sooooooooooooo cute from miranda
# 10 18 years ago

hi, im yvonne and i absolutly love you. MARRY ME YOU FIT f**k
# 11 18 years ago

> hi eminem. we think your hott and sexy!!!! we love your music. you are our number 1 fan! we want to meet you sooo bad. just to let you know we are 14. do you need any back up singers?? e-mail back please!! we love u

from heather and rebecca
# 12 18 years ago

> > hi marshall just wanted to thank you for an excellent concert at germain, went there with my son 17, he loved it i think i loved it more. All of you were great, lil john ludia criss everybody.
# 13 18 years ago

> hi marshalli may not be your biggest fan but i do apprediate how you do your music you not like all those other guys
Always michelle
# 14 18 years ago

hey !!!
i hope i am not bothering u as u must have loads of fan e-mails and letters to read i am a MASSIVE fan i love what u do for Hailie how u includ her in ur songs so sweet keep up the amazing work loved 8 mile
xoooooooooooooooxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ♥
# 15 18 years ago

Hi Shady I want meet you... I know meet you is imposible because I'm a fan. I live in Spain and I think that you must come here and make a concert... I'm stupid you will not read this letter. Bye
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