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hallmark valentines ad

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# 1 21 years ago

whats the song? the promo is when you buy 3 cards you get the teddy bear for $5.95. the gist is about a couple in a soda factory. and the guys slips in a bottle opener in a teddy bear pouch.
the song sounds french or german.
# 2 21 years ago

oops nevermind. i just read the previous threads. the song's just stuck to my mind. i guess hallmark doesnt have it available. =/

# 3 21 years ago

I emailed Hallmark and they said that the song was created specifically for the commercial and was not for resale.
# 4 21 years ago

> whats the song? the promo is when you buy 3 cards you get the teddy bear for $5.95. the gist is about a couple in a soda factory. and the guys slips in a bottle opener in a teddy bear pouch.
: the song sounds french or german.

# 5 21 years ago

> I emailed Hallmark and they said that the song was created specifically for the commercial and was not for resale.
I am sorry I didn't read back either:(

# 6 21 years ago

it's French, the last words are 'que j'adore' which means 'that i love' i really like the song and have tried to find it but haven't been able to yet :(
# 7 21 years ago

I contacted Hallmark directly. The French song used in the orange soda bottle commerical with the Teddy Bear was made especially for Hallmark and is only a 'commercial' song. Not available for purchase.

# 8 21 years ago

Tu ne me dit rien du tout
Tu ne fait plus rien du tout
Tu me donne selon les choses
Que j'adore

# 9 21 years ago

> It was a little difficult because of her
: accent - but here are the lyrics for the song:
> Tu ne me dit rien du tout
: Tu ne fait plus rien du tout
: Tu me donne selon les choses
: Que j'adore
Thanks so much; I love it, too! I have a feeling that it mught be sung by a group called Pink Martini out of Seattle, because it sounds like them...

# 10 21 years ago

Hallmark got a sound alike song. It sounds like a better version that is commercial that you CAN buy that's by a group called Pink Martini and the song's called 'Sympathetique.' It sounds like they made a song with the same feel as Sympathetique without having to pay for licensing it.
# 11 21 years ago

That's what I want to know. Did anyone find it?
whats the song? the promo is when you buy 3 cards you get the teddy bear for $5.95. the gist is about a couple in a soda factory. and the guys slips in a bottle opener in a teddy bear pouch.
: the song sounds french or german.

# 12 21 years ago

It's French...something about something that's better than everything in the world
> That's what I want to know. Did anyone find it?
> whats the song? the promo is when you buy 3 cards you get the teddy bear for $5.95. the gist is about a couple in a soda factory. and the guys slips in a bottle opener in a teddy bear pouch.
:> the song sounds french or german.

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