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American Dreams on Feb. 9, 2003 Episode!!

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# 1 21 years ago

What was the name of the song that the kid was singing at the end of the show on the guitar?
# 2 21 years ago

> What was the name of the song that the kid was singing at the end of the show on the guitar?
Evidently, the guy who played the character Warren (Warren Sroka) wrote it, NBC liked it and decided to use it. Doesn't look like it's commercially available. However, there's an mp3 of it shared on kazaa. Look for 'Just Another American Folk Song'.

# 3 21 years ago

> : What was the name of the song that the kid was singing at the end of the show on the guitar?
> Evidently, the guy who played the character Warren (Warren Sroka) wrote it, NBC liked it and decided to use it. Doesn't look like it's commercially available. However, there's an mp3 of it shared on kazaa. Look for 'Just Another American Folk Song'.
> Diva

# 4 21 years ago

> : What was the name of the song that the kid was singing at the end of the show on the guitar?
> Evidently, the guy who played the character Warren (Warren Sroka) wrote it, NBC liked it and decided to use it. Doesn't look like it's commercially available. However, there's an mp3 of it shared on kazaa. Look for 'Just Another American Folk Song'.
> Diva


# 5 20 years ago

> > : What was the name of the song that the kid was singing at the end of the show on the guitar?
> > Evidently, the guy who played the character Warren (Warren Sroka) wrote it, NBC liked it and decided to use it. Doesn't look like it's commercially available. However, there's an mp3 of it shared on kazaa. Look for 'Just Another American Folk Song'.
> > Diva
> Thanks!!
# 6 19 years ago

> > : What was the name of the song that the kid was singing at the end of the show on the guitar?
> > Evidently, the guy who played the character Warren (Warren Sroka) wrote it, NBC liked it and decided to use it. Doesn't look like it's commercially available. However, there's an mp3 of it shared on kazaa. Look for 'Just Another American Folk Song'.
> > Diva
> Thanks!!
this is such an awsome song i wish it was produced id definatly buy a copy!
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