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Lexus commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

does anyone know the name of the song in the lexus commercial where they show couples with different preferences with temperature (climate control feature of the lexus is the highlight)
# 2 18 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the female model in the lexus commercial where they show couples with different preferences with temperature (climate control feature of the lexus is the highlight)
# 3 18 years ago

> > does anyone know the name of the female model in the lexus commercial where they show couples with different preferences with temperature (climate control feature of the lexus is the highlight)
# 4 18 years ago

no. do you happen to know if that spot is available for viewing anywhere online?
# 5 18 years ago

maybe "some like it hot"? you know, i'm not even sure if that is a song title, it's just the first thing that popped into my head. actually, it's the second thing - the first being that the lady in that commercial is fricken hot!
# 6 18 years ago

Nice little tune huh? The name is Let's Call The Whole Thing Off. Louis Armstrong did a version back in the day, but i'm not sure who did the version for this ad. Anyone else out there have a clue? That woman in the ad is a real babe.
# 7 18 years ago

Does anyone has the new Lexus commercial?
# 8 18 years ago

> > How can I obtain a copy of this commercial? What advertising agency made this ad? Does anyone know the name of the female model in the lexus commercial where they show couples with different preferences with temperature (climate control feature of the lexus is the highlight)
# 9 18 years ago

Ah, I love that piano song but I don't know the title or artist of it. If you ever find out, let me know.
# 10 18 years ago

It's Let's Call the Whole Thing Off and it was done by many artists including Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong, etc... My personal favorite version is by Oscar Peterson...

> does anyone know the name of the song in the lexus commercial where they show couples with different preferences with temperature (climate control feature of the lexus is the highlight)
# 11 18 years ago

i would like to know too
# 12 18 years ago

is this the classical opera like song?
# 13 18 years ago

> >the new guy on the commercial, the father, is this Matt, did he attent SFASU?

does anyone know the name of the female model in the lexus commercial where they show couples with different preferences with temperature (climate control feature of the lexus is the highlight)
# 14 18 years ago

> > > does anyone know the name of the female model in the lexus commercial where they show couples with different preferences with temperature (climate control feature of the lexus is the highlight)
> >
# 15 18 years ago

> > > does anyone know the name of the female model in the lexus commercial where they show couples with different preferences with temperature (climate control feature of the lexus is the highlight)
> >
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