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MTV2 Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

There has been a commercial on MTV2 for MTV2 (I could never quite grasp the reasoning behind that =P ) which shows a black and white gritty-looking empty courtyard by a river with a city skyline in the background.
The camera never moves but some techno music starts playing and a red and white squiggle that looks like a Winamp plugin starts moving in beat with the music, especially the bass. Then it ends with the MTV2 logo and a female computer voice saying 'Connect to the new music force. MTV2.'
I haven't been watching MTV2 lately so I don't know if it's currently being played, but I have recorded the music that's played on the commercial and I have it saved on my site as an mp3. I have the link in this post. Is not that great quality of a recording, sorry.
I love the bass line on that song, so can you help by giving it a listen? Maybe someone will know the artist and song title, that would be great!
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