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Seaworld Orlando Commerial

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# 1 21 years ago

Hi, Could anyone let me know what is the name of the song that is played in the new Seaworld Orlando Commercial. Its driving me nuts!!!
# 2 21 years ago

Eye Responded
The song in the Seaworld Commercial is Qkumba Zoo called 'the child inside'.

: Hi, Could anyone let me know what is the name of the song that is played in the new Seaworld Orlando Commercial. Its driving me nuts!!!

# 3 21 years ago

'The Child Inside'- Qkumba zoo

# 4 21 years ago

goddamn...i wanna know what that one is has been around for like eight years too. I Have been looking for that one for a while.
# 5 21 years ago

> Hi, Could anyone let me know what is the name of the song that is played in the new Seaworld Orlando Commercial. Its driving me nuts!!!
'The Child Inside' by Qkumba Zoo

# 6 21 years ago

> Hi, Could anyone let me know what is the name of the song that is played in the new Seaworld Orlando Commercial. Its driving me nuts!!!
it is called the child inside by qkumba zoo
# 7 20 years ago

> : Hi, Could anyone let me know what is the name of the song that is played in the new Seaworld Orlando Commercial. Its driving me nuts!!!
> it is called the child inside by qkumba zoo
The Child (Inside) by QKUMBA ZOO
ITs a good song back in 1996, and the remix was No. 1 in the clubs.

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