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Help me find a song, PLEASE!

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# 1 23 years ago

I am looking for a song. I don't remember the artist or the lyrics, all I remember is that it was fairly popular at one point during the 90's and it had a MUSIC VIDEO based on a JAPANESE MOTIF... it was snowing outside in the video and a guy (I think he was bald but i'm not sure) was standing with some Geisha chick... can you PLEASE help me figure out what the song was?
email me at
# 2 19 years ago

I REALLY need someone's help. I REALLY want to get the background music from the GMC commercial. It's the one where parts of junk cars fall down onto an open field. Someone PLEEEEAAASE help me. I would like to know the title and the artist. An album which the music is on will be even better. Thanks A LOT
# 3 19 years ago

> I am looking for a song too!! I don't remember the artist or the lyrics either and all I remember is that it had a guy standing outside this girls house and he was proposing to her with cards because she was deaf but you didn't know that she was deaf until the end of the video... and it had a woman artist singing on the steps of the neighbors house and it was really cute and i want to find out the name! it's driving me crazy.
> email me at
# 4 19 years ago

hello i got this song i never can seem to get the title to or the artist who singsit i hope you can help all i know from the song is

"even though we aint got money im so in love with ya honey" thank you
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