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Diet Pepsi Commercial song help

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# 1 21 years ago

The commercial has a teen in a mosh pit at a concert. A band member on stage uses a hose to spray mud on everyone. Then the eten sees his dad holding a diet pepsi in the masses. His dad comments about his wife saying he lost her ni the mosh pit. The teen is confused.
What's the song playing?
# 2 21 years ago

Don't know the song, but it's being played by MxPx. Awesome punk band!
# 3 21 years ago

> Don't know the song, but it's being played by MxPx. Awesome punk band!
Yea just found out they have new album soon... Well Adjusted it is called:)
Hope that helps

# 4 21 years ago

the band is MxPx

# 5 21 years ago

I don't know, but god knows I've tried to find out who it is. Anybody know?
# 6 21 years ago

AHA! Immediatly after finding this message, I found another - apparently, the band is called 'MXPX' hahahahha I found it!

# 7 21 years ago

yes i have been wondering too and i have been looking everywhere for it...i haven't found it anywhere

# 8 21 years ago

> The commercial has a teen in a mosh pit at a concert. A band member on stage uses a hose to spray mud on everyone. Then the eten sees his dad holding a diet pepsi in the masses. His dad comments about his wife saying he lost her ni the mosh pit. The teen is confused.
> What's the song playing?
> Thanks

# 9 21 years ago

> The commercial has a teen in a mosh pit at a concert. A band member on stage uses a hose to spray mud on everyone. Then the teen sees his dad holding a diet pepsi in the masses. His dad comments about his wife saying he lost her in the mosh pit. The teen is confused.
> What's the song playing?
> Thanks

# 10 21 years ago

> The commercial has a teen in a mosh pit at a concert. A band member on stage uses a hose to spray mud on everyone. Then the eten sees his dad holding a diet pepsi in the masses. His dad comments about his wife saying he lost her ni the mosh pit. The teen is confused.
> What's the song playing?
> Thanks
I wouldnt mind knowing too please.
Thank you.
# 11 21 years ago

> The commercial has a teen in a mosh pit at a concert. A band member on stage uses a hose to spray mud on everyone. Then the eten sees his dad holding a diet pepsi in the masses. His dad comments about his wife saying he lost her ni the mosh pit. The teen is confused.
> What's the song playing?
> Thanks
I wouldnt mind knowing too please.
Thank you.
# 12 21 years ago

> The commercial has a teen in a mosh pit at a concert. A band member on stage uses a hose to spray mud on everyone. Then the eten sees his dad holding a diet pepsi in the masses. His dad comments about his wife saying he lost her ni the mosh pit. The teen is confused.
> What's the song playing?
> Thanks

Heehee, The song says this.... I'm not the one who's going crazy, I'm so tired of Masturbating, but that's all you can hear of it

# 13 21 years ago

> The commercial has a teen in a mosh pit at a concert. A band member on stage uses a hose to spray mud on everyone. Then the eten sees his dad holding a diet pepsi in the masses. His dad comments about his wife saying he lost her ni the mosh pit. The teen is confused.
> What's the song playing?
> Thanks

# 14 21 years ago

i've been looking for the same thing for the past hour i can't find who the band is? if anybody knows would you please e-mail me...

# 15 21 years ago

never mind i found out its MxPx how could i not have known that i guess it doesn't help that im kinda wasted!

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