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Looking for 2 songs

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know who sings any of these songs?
Solaris movie trailer
Vh1 commercial with words Hey DJ I see stars
VERY old Nike commercial where each scene changes to a different sport...kind of long
# 2 21 years ago

> Does anyone know who sings any of these songs?
: Solaris movie trailer
: Vh1 commercial with words Hey DJ I see stars
: VERY old Nike commercial where each scene changes to a different sport...kind of long

I can only help on the vh1 commercial...It's Paul Oakenfold with Crazy Town

# 3 21 years ago

> Does anyone know who sings any of these songs?
: Solaris movie trailer
: Vh1 commercial with words Hey DJ I see stars
: VERY old Nike commercial where each scene changes to a different sport...kind of long

I can only help you on the vh1 commercial...It's Paul Oakenfold with Crazy Town

# 4 21 years ago

the vh1 commercial is paul oakenfold: starry-eyed surprise
# 5 21 years ago

> Does anyone know who sings any of these songs?
: Solaris movie trailer
: Vh1 commercial with words Hey DJ I see stars

The Vh1 song is Starry Eyed Suprise' by Paul Oakenfold and Shifty Shellshock.

# 6 20 years ago

Nike commerical might be the one with the song 'Search and destroy' by the stooges. 'Look out, honey, 'cuz I'm using technology' Does that sound familiar?
> Does anyone know who sings any of these songs?
: Solaris movie trailer
: Vh1 commercial with words Hey DJ I see stars
: VERY old Nike commercial where each scene changes to a different sport...kind of long

# 7 20 years ago

the 'hey dj I see stars' is 'Starry Eyed Surprise' by Paul Oakenfold F/Shifty
> Does anyone know who sings any of these songs?
: Solaris movie trailer
: Vh1 commercial with words Hey DJ I see stars
: VERY old Nike commercial where each scene changes to a different sport...kind of long

# 8 19 years ago

The music is of an old nike advert Where this bloke is running across some hills, The name of the song I think is "I did it my way" but I dont no who sang it, any help would be grate.
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