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Nike Jason Kidd commercial music?

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# 1 21 years ago

I know I'm not the 1st to ask this, but I'm glad I'm not alone. I was wonder who was doing that funky song on that Commerical. IT was somthing like 'I woke sunday morning... said I woke up sunday morning.'
I'm dying to know. Get back asap... thanx.

# 2 21 years ago

> I know I'm not the 1st to ask this, but I'm glad I'm not alone. I was wonder who was doing that funky song on that Commerical. IT was somthing like 'I woke sunday morning... said I woke up sunday morning.'
: I'm dying to know. Get back asap... thanx.

# 3 21 years ago

> : I know I'm not the 1st to ask this, but I'm glad I'm not alone. I was wonder who was doing that funky song on that Commerical. IT was somthing like 'I woke sunday morning... said I woke up sunday morning.'
:> I'm dying to know. Get back asap... thanx.
music souldchild title religous...

# 4 21 years ago

scroll down a bit. this topic was done to death last week.

:> : I know I'm not the 1st to ask this, but I'm glad I'm not alone. I was wonder who was doing that funky song on that Commerical. IT was somthing like 'I woke sunday morning... said I woke up sunday morning.'
:> : I'm dying to know. Get back asap... thanx.
> music souldchild title religous...

# 5 21 years ago

> scroll down a bit. this topic was done to death last week.
:> :> I know I'm not the 1st to ask this, but I'm glad I'm not alone. I was wonder who was doing that funky song on that Commerical. IT was somthing like 'I woke sunday morning... said I woke up sunday morning.'
:> :> I'm dying to know. Get back asap... thanx.
>> music souldchild title religous...


# 6 21 years ago

'Religious' by Musiq
# 7 21 years ago

hi im wondering if anyone knows this one ive been looking for it for ages it was in 1995 ish and it went like this
The revolution will be lead by jason kidd, jimmy jackson, eddie jones, joe smith and kevin garnett, im sure it was a nike shoe advert does anyone know the song?

# 8 20 years ago

> :> I know I'm not the 1st to ask this, but I'm glad I'm not alone. I was wonder who was doing that funky song on that Commerical. IT was somthing like 'I woke sunday morning... said I woke up sunday morning.'
:> : I'm dying to know. Get back asap... thanx.
> music souldchild title religous...

# 9 19 years ago

> hi im wondering if anyone knows this one ive been looking for it for ages it was in 1995 ish and it went like this
> The revolution will be lead by jason kidd, jimmy jackson, eddie jones, joe smith and kevin garnett, im sure it was a nike shoe advert does anyone know the song?
(All 9 messages )

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