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hyundai commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins. Any ideas? Thank you.
# 2 18 years ago

> I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins. Any ideas? Thank you.
# 3 18 years ago

yeah im asking the same question. its a nice piece of music, though
# 4 18 years ago

I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins and pianos. Any ideas? i want to larn how to play the piano part. Thank you.
# 5 18 years ago

> > I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins. Any ideas? Thank you.
I also am seeking the name of the song used in the 2006 Hyundai Sonata commercials. I am sure it is a clip of something I have heard a few years ago. Thanks
# 6 18 years ago

> I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins. Any ideas? Thank you.

I believe the song is "Bittersweet Symphony" by The Verve.
# 7 18 years ago

> > I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins. Any ideas? Thank you.
> The song all of you are running after is called "Struggle for pleasure" by Wim Mertens.

Have a good one!
# 8 18 years ago

> > I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins. Any ideas? Thank you.
> The song all of you are running after is called "Struggle for pleasure" by Wim Mertens.

Have a good one!
# 9 18 years ago

> > I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins. Any ideas? Thank you.
# 10 18 years ago

> > I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins. Any ideas? Thank you.
# 11 18 years ago

yeah dude, i know the song you want. i have it on my computer. i am a DJ, so i mixed up a few piano nuts and made it sound 100% indentical. trust me on this one, i've compared it with the real song on taped footage, it is 100% accurate! just email me if u want me to send it to you!
# 12 18 years ago

if anyone knows the name of the song on the hyundai sonata commercial please let me know
# 13 18 years ago

> I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins and pianos. Any ideas? i want to larn how to play the piano part. Thank you.
# 14 18 years ago

Hi, it is called struggle for pleasure, by Wim Mertens. I was also looking everywhere for it as well. :o)

> I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins. Any ideas? Thank you.
# 15 18 years ago

> I am trying to find out the name of the song playing on the hyundai sonata commercials presently airing. It is an instrumental (no singing) and uses violins. Any ideas? Thank you.
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