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levi's red commercial with buffs

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# 1 21 years ago

Anyone know the song in the Levi's Red commercial where a herd of buffalo run through the streets? It sounds like Mogwai, but I don't think it is them.
# 2 21 years ago

I sooooo need to know this too. I played it over and over from TIVO; great song!
> Anyone know the song in the Levi's Red commercial where a herd of buffalo run through the streets? It sounds like Mogwai, but I don't think it is them.
: Thanks.

# 3 21 years ago

> Anyone know the song in the Levi's Red commercial where a herd of buffalo run through the streets? It sounds like Mogwai, but I don't think it is them.
: Thanks.
Your right it's Mogwai the song is called Summer its on the Ten Rapid Collected Recordings 1996-2001. There is another version on Young Team
# 4 21 years ago

> Anyone know the song in the Levi's Red commercial where a herd of buffalo run through the streets? It sounds like Mogwai, but I don't think it is them.
: Thanks.
It is Mogwai, and the song is called 'Summer' and be found on their 'Young Team' album
# 5 21 years ago

# 6 21 years ago

> Anyone know the song in the Levi's Red commercial where a herd of buffalo run through the streets? It sounds like Mogwai, but I don't think it is them. let me know who are they and what is the title of that song . Thanks
: Thanks.

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