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mistubishi eclipse music

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# 1 22 years ago

I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!
# 2 22 years ago

I think the song you're talking about is called, 'Start The Commotion' by The Wiseguys
# 3 22 years ago

> I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
: routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
: It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!
The song is called 'Start The Commotion' by The Wiseguys

# 4 22 years ago

> : I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
:> routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
:> It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!
> The song is called 'Start The Commotion' by The Wiseguys

# 5 22 years ago

It took me only another half hour to find this, but it's 'Start The Commotion' by 'The Wise Guys'.
1998 CD 'Antidote.'
I'm off to find it now.
Good luck.

# 6 22 years ago

> I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
: routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
: It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!

Start the Commotion by the Wise Guys

# 7 22 years ago

> I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
: routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
: It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!

# 8 22 years ago

> I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
: routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
: It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!
'It's called 'Start the Commotion' by 'The Wise Guys' (from their 1998 CD 'Antidote').'
That information came from a web site for film editors. The link from the search
I ran was incorrect. I went instead to the main site then did a search on Swietlik.
The correct link is included here. They have copies of the video that you can
download in three different formats linked to the page. It *is* beautifully edited.
# 9 22 years ago

> I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
: routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
: It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!
ahh iots called body in motion... aahahahahhahahahhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
# 10 22 years ago

it's called start the commotion by the wise guys
# 11 22 years ago

> I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
: routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
: It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!
The song is called; 'Start The Commotion' by, The Wiseguys.
# 12 22 years ago

The song is:
> I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
: routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
: It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!

# 13 22 years ago

Actually, sorry, that's the newest
The song is:
> I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
: routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
: It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!

# 14 22 years ago

> I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
: routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
: It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!
Dont't know if you've found out yet, but - It by the Wiseguys - Start the Commotion.
Hope this helps!
# 15 22 years ago

> I was wondering if someone could help me....I have to do a cheerleading
: routine and I need to find the artistand title of the song that they play on the eclipse commercial.
: It like has the words get up get your body in motion. so if you could help me please reply! thanx!

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