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Citi Bank commercial with the guy and woman on a date (it is new)

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# 1 18 years ago

Does anyone know the song that they sing in the new Citi Bank commercial with that man and woman, that it shows them on a date, then getting married, then having kids, and then it shows them when they are old? I really like that song, but I can't understand the words and can't find it on iTunes. If anyone knows the name and artist, it would really be helpful. Thanks!
# 2 18 years ago

>Five for fighting - "one hundred years"

Does anyone know the song that they sing in the new Citi Bank commercial with that man and woman, that it shows them on a date, then getting married, then having kids, and then it shows them when they are old? I really like that song, but I can't understand the words and can't find it on iTunes. If anyone knows the name and artist, it would really be helpful. Thanks!
# 3 18 years ago

> Does anyone know the song that they sing in the new Citi Bank commercial with that man and woman, that it shows them on a date, then getting married, then having kids, and then it shows them when they are old? I really like that song, but I can't understand the words and can't find it on iTunes. If anyone knows the name and artist, it would really be helpful. Thanks!
100 Years by Five for Fighting
# 4 18 years ago

There was a commercial a couple years back - it was about a couple on a blind date. She made him his favorite meal, knitted mittens, a sweater, and then took him home to meet her parents. The tagline was "Some things are not meant to be rushed" or "Somethings aren't meant to be five minutes." Anybody know what i'm talking about?
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