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Mitsubishi drum girls

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# 16 18 years ago


Kodo includes both male and female performers. Perhaps for the commercial, only female performers were wanted/available.

> > > Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
> >
> > KODO, there are several CDs at
> > I've heard and read about KODO. I thought they were all men. I'm looking for the girls in the commercial. Are they a real act or just performing on the commercial?
# 17 18 years ago

The girls are from 'Taiko Project', as far as I know.
the girls are;
Michelle Fujii
Naoko Amemiya
Tiffany and Kelsy Furuta

They are from different groups and apparently can all play. The two men in the Taiko Project group weren't featured... but who needs them?

The style they were playing was Kumidaiko, which means 'grouped taiko' and is a modern style of playing.
# 18 18 years ago

> I've heard and read that the style is also called Kodo. I'm wondering if the girls are real drummers or acting for the commercial...

# 19 18 years ago

> > > Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
> >
> > KODO, there are several CDs at
> > I've heard and read about KODO. I thought they were all men. I'm looking for the girls in the commercial. Are they a real act or just performing on the commercial?

While looking at a Bose theater system in a warehouse store, they had a promotional video playing, one of which was this group. I've been trying to find out who they were ever since. Very captivating.

# 20 18 years ago

check out Taikoproject:

> Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
# 21 18 years ago

> Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
Don't know but I would be interested in hiriing them if they were
# 22 18 years ago

Is the Mitsubishi Drum Girls commercial online?
# 23 18 years ago

> > > Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
> >
> > KODO, there are several CDs at
> > I've heard and read about KODO. I thought they were all men. I'm looking for the girls in the commercial. Are they a real act or just performing on the commercial?
Is this commercial on line? Where?
# 24 18 years ago

I know one of the girls in the commercial. Her name is Sara. All the girls in the commercial are from a drum goup formed at a University in Southern California. So the answer is yes they are all real drummers.

> I've heard and read that the style is also called Kodo. I'm wondering if the girls are real drummers or acting for the commercial. They're certainly better looking than the male groups. Anybody else out there know anything else about them?> If you find out, please let me know. I've been doing some research, but came up short. The style of drumming is called Taiko. It's from Japan. From what I've seen, there are more taiko drum groups out there than you can count. There's even a taiko conference in Great Britain some time later this year. I'll keep digging.
> >
> >
# 25 18 years ago

> > > Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
> >
> > KODO, there are several CDs at
> > I've heard and read about KODO. I thought they were all men. I'm looking for the girls in the commercial. Are they a real act or just performing on the commercial?
I don't think its kodo either. I am too trying to find that out.
# 26 18 years ago

The groups name is " Taiko Project " and
they're located in California. They are all
very talented Japanese musicians and are
one of the few Taiko groups to be represented
in Tokyo. Check out
for further info. They can really use all
the help they can get for expenses.
# 27 18 years ago

Their name is "Cocoo" 14 women and 4 men.
I will post their sit later this eveining.
# 28 18 years ago

> > > Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
> >
> > KODO, there are several CDs at
> > I've heard and read about KODO. I thought they were all men. I'm looking for the girls in the commercial. Are they a real act or just performing on the commercial?
> The bands name is Gocoo, 11 women and 4 men here is a link

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