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Mitsubishi drum girls

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# 1 18 years ago

Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
# 2 18 years ago

If you find out, please let me know. I've been doing some research, but came up short. The style of drumming is called Taiko. It's from Japan. From what I've seen, there are more taiko drum groups out there than you can count. There's even a taiko conference in Great Britain some time later this year. I'll keep digging.
# 3 18 years ago

I've heard and read that the style is also called Kodo. I'm wondering if the girls are real drummers or acting for the commercial. They're certainly better looking than the male groups. Anybody else out there know anything else about them?> If you find out, please let me know. I've been doing some research, but came up short. The style of drumming is called Taiko. It's from Japan. From what I've seen, there are more taiko drum groups out there than you can count. There's even a taiko conference in Great Britain some time later this year. I'll keep digging.
# 4 18 years ago

> Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?

KODO, there are several CDs at
# 5 18 years ago

> > Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
> KODO, there are several CDs at
> I've heard and read about KODO. I thought they were all men. I'm looking for the girls in the commercial. Are they a real act or just performing on the commercial?
# 6 18 years ago

I found the group of female drummers in the 2006 Mitsubishi commercial. They are called "Taikoproject" They have a DVD available. Just type in Taikoproject in google and it will take you straight to it.
# 7 18 years ago

I believe this is the group from the commercial.
# 8 18 years ago

> Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?

They're apparently part of a UCLA group called TAIKOPROJECT and are the female section of a drumming ensemble called Kitsune Taiko (made up of 7 guys and 7 gals).

Taiko drumming is a really exciting artform but really has to be *seen* to be appreciated. CDs just don't do it justice.
# 9 18 years ago

Victor Koman
They do exist! Check out Here's a photo of the girls:

> I've heard and read that the style is also called Kodo. I'm wondering if the girls are real drummers or acting for the commercial. They're certainly better looking than the male groups. Anybody else out there know anything else about them?> If you find out, please let me know. I've been doing some research, but came up short. The style of drumming is called Taiko. It's from Japan. From what I've seen, there are more taiko drum groups out there than you can count. There's even a taiko conference in Great Britain some time later this year. I'll keep digging.
> >
> >
# 10 17 years ago

Hey tony, i dunno if you found your info but I too have searched for these girls, here is the info you are looking for, and also supplimental info that will help clarify some things
The girls from the commercial are part of "Taiko Project", you can find them at this link:
you can also check out: and check the "vegas tour" for the mitsubishi commercial
the girls are just part of the full band (no doubt they used only the girls for their obvious sex appeal)
Taiko Project is far more youth oriented, more like a "stomp" version of kodo. Kodo is a seperate group that is closer to "traditional" styles. Most kodo members are also older and primarily male dominated (i dont know if any females play drums in kodo, i had the opportunity to go to a kodo concert recently, however it was not the full group that played).

Well I hope this helped.

> Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
# 11 18 years ago

hi, i actually know one of the girls. it's taiko drumming. kodo is the name of a famous taiko group from japan. they are awesome (and mostly men). but if you want to know the group from the commercial, check out:

> > > Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
> >
> > KODO, there are several CDs at
> > I've heard and read about KODO. I thought they were all men. I'm looking for the girls in the commercial. Are they a real act or just performing on the commercial?
# 12 18 years ago

the women are real taiko players. kodo is a famous taiko group from japan. they are awesome (and mostly men). but if you want to know more about the girls from the commercial, check out:

> > > Can anyone tell me if the Asian girls dressed in red, pounding the drums in the Mitsubishi commercial are a real act? If so, what is their name?
> >
> > KODO, there are several CDs at
> > I've heard and read about KODO. I thought they were all men. I'm looking for the girls in the commercial. Are they a real act or just performing on the commercial?
# 13 18 years ago

They're part of the TAIKO PROJECT
Lots of great pics and the details of that shoot as well as many others from their latest tour
# 14 18 years ago

> I've heard and read that the style is also called Kodo. I'm wondering if the girls are real drummers or acting for the commercial. They're certainly better looking than the male groups. Anybody else out there know anything else about them?> If you find out, please let me know. I've been doing some research, but came up short. The style of drumming is called Taiko. It's from Japan. From what I've seen, there are more taiko drum groups out there than you can count. There's even a taiko conference in Great Britain some time later this year. I'll keep digging.
> >
> >
# 15 18 years ago

> I've heard and read that the style is also called Kodo. I'm wondering if the girls are real drummers or acting for the commercial. They're certainly better looking than the male groups. Anybody else out there know anything else about them?> If you find out, please let me know. I've been doing some research, but came up short. The style of drumming is called Taiko. It's from Japan. From what I've seen, there are more taiko drum groups out there than you can count. There's even a taiko conference in Great Britain some time later this year. I'll keep digging.
> >
> >
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