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# 16 18 years ago

> The one where guy in Blue suit and Converse all-star shoes walks in a "Greenspace" caffe and in there is a party.He dances all over the room,greets some people.There is also a guy that stars dancing(without control) when he greets a black girl.
> PLEASE Help.Need the name of the song and the performer
# 17 18 years ago

The song is called COBRASTYLE and the group is TEDDYBEARS STHLM. Go to their site ( and you can view their video for the song. Amazing song - I love it too.
> The one where guy in Blue suit and Converse all-star shoes walks in a "Greenspace" caffe and in there is a party.He dances all over the room,greets some people.There is also a guy that stars dancing(without control) when he greets a black girl.
> PLEASE Help.Need the name of the song and the performer
# 18 18 years ago

It's called Cobrastyle by the Teddybears STHLM. Do you know where I can get the 60 sec video?????
> The one where guy in Blue suit and Converse all-star shoes walks in a "Greenspace" caffe and in there is a party.He dances all over the room,greets some people.There is also a guy that stars dancing(without control) when he greets a black girl.
> PLEASE Help.Need the name of the song and the performer
# 19 18 years ago

The song is Cobrastyle by Teddybear Sthlm (and that's not a typo)

> The one where guy in Blue suit and Converse all-star shoes walks in a "Greenspace" caffe and in there is a party.He dances all over the room,greets some people.There is also a guy that stars dancing(without control) when he greets a black girl.
> PLEASE Help.Need the name of the song and the performer
# 20 18 years ago

it's called "Cobrastyle", by "Teddybears Sthlm". You can view the video on their web site ... :D
# 21 18 years ago

Guess what ... I was browsing the web and found the song!!! This is sheer luck! In case anyone out there is also looking for this song, it's called "Cobrastyle", by "Teddybears Sthlm". You can view the video on their web site ... :D

> The one where guy in Blue suit and Converse all-star shoes walks in a "Greenspace" caffe and in there is a party.He dances all over the room,greets some people.There is also a guy that stars dancing(without control) when he greets a black girl.
> PLEASE Help.Need the name of the song and the performer

# 22 18 years ago

The song is Cobra Style by the Teddy Bears STHLM. It was part of the soundtrack from "After the Sunset" movie starring Pierce Brosnan and Salma Hayek.

> The one where guy in Blue suit and Converse all-star shoes walks in a "Greenspace" caffe and in there is a party.He dances all over the room,greets some people.There is also a guy that stars dancing(without control) when he greets a black girl.
> PLEASE Help.Need the name of the song and the performer
# 23 18 years ago

> The one where guy in Blue suit and Converse all-star shoes walks in a "Greenspace" caffe and in there is a party.He dances all over the room,greets some people.There is also a guy that stars dancing(without control) when he greets a black girl.
> PLEASE Help.Need the name of the song and the performer
Response: That's cobra styles by Teddybears sthlm in their new album FRESH!
# 24 18 years ago

The Song you want is Cobrastyle by Teddybears
# 25 18 years ago

The song you want is Cobrastyle,by Teddybears
# 26 18 years ago

ahh i want to know too!
# 27 18 years ago

Teddybears Sthlm
Cobrastyle feat. Mad Cobra
# 28 17 years ago

> song is from
> Teddybears STHLM - Cobrastyle
# 29 16 years ago

> > song is from
> > the heineken commercial with the robot girls. what is the name of the song?
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