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Song in Time Warner/Roadrunner Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

I am looking for the song that is in 2 Time Warner Roadrunner commercials. The song is mostly horns & is in the two animated commercials, one of which features a guy outside of a house and something falls onto the car. Anyone?
# 2 21 years ago


if we're talking about the same commercial, i think the song is 'go' by 'the apples in stereo'. it's a great song

# 3 21 years ago

That's It!!! Thank You!!!!

# 4 20 years ago

> I am looking for the song that is in 2 Time Warner Roadrunner commercials. The song is mostly horns & is in the two animated commercials, one of which features a guy outside of a house and something falls onto the car. Anyone?
If you find out, let me know. I've been looking for that song also.
# 5 20 years ago

Call me foolish, but I actually called Time Warner advertising and asked the manager who the artist of that song was. She was real nice about it, and she took my name and number. She said that she's going to call the corporate office and find out. She'll let me know.
# 6 20 years ago

> What is the song in the Time Warner/Roadrunner commercial where the young girl is doing her science project and her teacher is jumping up and down. It's some opera/classical music. I need the name of the song or/and composer! THANKS!

> if we're talking about the same commercial, i think the song is 'go' by 'the apples in stereo'. it's a great song
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