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pringles girl

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# 1 21 years ago

who is the cute girl in the pringles
ad, where's your head at?

# 2 21 years ago

i think her name is tina ledbetter.

: who is the cute girl in the pringles
: ad, where's your head at?

# 3 21 years ago

'Joseph', Think you're pretty smart don't you. Tina was a stalker for Michael J. Fox and then Scott Bakula. This is same old Joe - see the posts below, all he does is call people stalkers. Joe, why don't you go to bed and let daddy play with the computer now. Would anyone else agree with me that JOE is a stalker, constantly on our board? Harassing it even? Get a life dickfat.
# 4 21 years ago

there's hope for you yet. from what i've read, stalkers are loners, but you seem willing to interact and stick up for your stalk-buddies. kudos and stay with the lithium.

: 'Joseph', Think you're pretty smart don't you. Tina was a stalker for Michael J. Fox and then Scott Bakula. This is same old Joe - see the posts below, all he does is call people stalkers. Joe, why don't you go to bed and let daddy play with the computer now. Would anyone else agree with me that JOE is a stalker, constantly on our board? Harassing it even? Get a life dickfat.

# 5 21 years ago

I can agree with you that this would be a forum a stalker may visit to find out who people are but you assume that all in this forum who ask the name of an actor/actress are stalkers. This is the problem with you here. I know you're trying to troll this board, that I too can appreciate, done it myself to other boards. Somebody has to get in your face, guess what you found that person. You want a war of words for entertainment of others here? Bring it pal. I will take care of you in short order. Keep posting... I enjoy a challenge, but I guess you'll just have to do.
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