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Tight Song in Bedazzled movie

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# 1 18 years ago

does anyone know the song that they use in bedazzled i think twice and it starts out with a drum beat and then a guitar and then it has a voice goin ah ah ah ah. Boom Boom ch ch ah ah ah ah ah ah. You've probably heard it before because its played all the time i just don't know the title.
# 2 18 years ago

Im actually trying to find a song from that movie as well. Its the spanish song that plays when he wakes up in his first wish as the columbian drug lord. It was also in the movie The Fan with Robert DeNiro and Wesley Snipes. It goes, "bang bang bang maria te quierro, bang bang bang", any ideas? plz let me know. Thanks.
# 3 18 years ago

> Im actually trying to find a song from that movie as well. Its the spanish song that plays when he wakes up in his first wish as the columbian drug lord. It was also in the movie The Fan with Robert DeNiro and Wesley Snipes. It goes, "bang bang bang maria te quierro, bang bang bang", any ideas? plz let me know. Thanks.
# 4 18 years ago

Just found it - The Gipsy Kings - "Bem, Bem, Maria".

Downloading on iTunes as I write this...


Fantastic song. Hilarious. I am waking up to it tomorrow, maybe I will feel like a wealthy Narco Traffico.

> Im actually trying to find a song from that movie as well. Its the spanish song that plays when he wakes up in his first wish as the columbian drug lord. It was also in the movie The Fan with Robert DeNiro and Wesley Snipes. It goes, "bang bang bang maria te quierro, bang bang bang", any ideas? plz let me know. Thanks.
# 5 18 years ago

> does anyone know the song that they use in bedazzled i think twice and it starts out with a drum beat and then a guitar and then it has a voice goin ah ah ah ah. Boom Boom ch ch ah ah ah ah ah ah. You've probably heard it before because its played all the time i just don't know the title.

The song is called Makambo by Geoffrey Oryema
# 6 18 years ago

does anyone know the song when elliot 1st meet with demon in the pub, the demon was playing snooker.
# 7 18 years ago

> does anyone know the song that they use in bedazzled i think twice and it starts out with a drum beat and then a guitar and then it has a voice goin ah ah ah ah. Boom Boom ch ch ah ah ah ah ah ah. You've probably heard it before because its played all the time i just don't know the title.
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