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Chase tv commercial song

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# 16 18 years ago

> > Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
> I'd love to know too!
# 17 18 years ago

> > Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
# 18 18 years ago

> > Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
# 19 18 years ago

> > Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
# 20 18 years ago

> > "100 years" by Five for Fighting
# 21 18 years ago

> > Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
the song name is 100 years by Five for Fighting
# 22 18 years ago

> > Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
Five for Fighting is the name of the group and the name of the song is "100 years"
# 23 18 years ago

> > Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
> Five For Fighting, 100 years
# 24 18 years ago

> > Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
> five for fighting...100 years
# 25 18 years ago

> > Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
> life commercial
# 26 18 years ago

> > Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
# 27 18 years ago

> > "100 years" by Five for Fighting
im 15 for a moment cought in between 10 and 20 and im just dreaming counting the ways to where you are im 22 for a moment she feels better than ever and were on fire making our way back from mars 15theres still time for you time to bye and time to lose 15 theres never a wish better than this when you only got 100 years to liveim 33 for a moment still the man byt you see im of they a kid on the way a family on my my im 45 for a moment the sea is high and im heading into a crisis chasing the the years of my life 15 theres still time for you time to bye and time to lose yourself withing a morning star 15 im all right eith you 15 theres never a wish better than this when you only got 100 year half time goes bye suddenly youre wise another blink of an eye 67 is gone the sun is getting high were moving on... im 99 for a moment dying for just another moment and im just just dreaming counting the ways to where you are 15 im alright with you 22 i fill her to 33 youre on your way every days a new day 15 theres still time for you time to but and time to choose hey 15 theres never a wish better than this when you only got 100 years to live
# 28 18 years ago

> Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?

I believe the clip is from the song "100 Years" by Five for Fighting. You might recall their song "Superman (It's not easy.)"
# 29 18 years ago

> Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
# 30 18 years ago

> Could you please tell me who sings the song for the commercial?
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