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Desperate to ID a commercial actor.

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# 1 18 years ago

Sorry for the vagueness here; it's all I've got. I'd seen a commercial (I think from one of the beer companies) about which I can remember NOTHING except for a hilarious facial bit from an actor my roommate and I agreed looked a bit like Topher Grace mixed with Steve Buscemi.

Cut to this week, easily a year or more after the fact, and I finally have a lead of sorts; that same actor is in the brand new Heineken commercial as the dude entering the superhero (supervillain?) team, whose only talent is the ability to turn his shoe into a bottle of Heineken.

Does ANYONE have ANY information about this guy or his previous body of work? Again, I'm sorry I don't have anything more substantive. Thanks for whatever anyone can tell me.
# 2 18 years ago

his name is danny arroyo.

> Sorry for the vagueness here; it's all I've got. I'd seen a commercial (I think from one of the beer companies) about which I can remember NOTHING except for a hilarious facial bit from an actor my roommate and I agreed looked a bit like Topher Grace mixed with Steve Buscemi.
> Cut to this week, easily a year or more after the fact, and I finally have a lead of sorts; that same actor is in the brand new Heineken commercial as the dude entering the superhero (supervillain?) team, whose only talent is the ability to turn his shoe into a bottle of Heineken.
> Does ANYONE have ANY information about this guy or his previous body of work? Again, I'm sorry I don't have anything more substantive. Thanks for whatever anyone can tell me.
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