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Song from Trainspotting (House Arrest Scene)

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# 1 18 years ago

What's the name of the techno song during the "House Arrest" scene from the movie Trainspotting? It's not on the OST, I don't think. It's the one where he's lying on the bed, trying to get over the addiction without a clinic.
# 2 18 years ago

>whats the other song where that guys is walking for the streen and suddenly the song start and its sounds like trance or some electronic genere
# 3 18 years ago

Underworld - Dark and Long. It's on Trainspotting #2 OST

> What's the name of the techno song during the "House Arrest" scene from the movie Trainspotting? It's not on the OST, I don't think. It's the one where he's lying on the bed, trying to get over the addiction without a clinic.
# 4 18 years ago

> What's the name of the techno song during the "House Arrest" scene from the movie Trainspotting? It's not on the OST, I don't think. It's the one where he's lying on the bed, trying to get over the addiction without a clinic.
# 5 18 years ago

> Underworld - Dark and Long. It's on Trainspotting #2 OST
> > What's the name of the techno song during the "House Arrest" scene from the movie Trainspotting? It's not on the OST, I don't think. It's the one where he's lying on the bed, trying to get over the addiction without a clinic.
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