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another chevy truck commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

i need to know what's the name of that song they play in that commercial. there's nothing really special happening in the commercial.
but all i can really remember is that there is a 2-panel shot of the truck driving on the road, filmed at an angle around the front.
the only lyric i remember from that song is, 'I gotta get something, got get...'
and thats it. i'm not even sure if it's right.
the song is very upbeat, probably from the 70s or around the motown era.
thanks, if you know what song it is.
greatly appreciated!
# 2 18 years ago

> i need to know what's the name of that song they play in that commercial. there's nothing really special happening in the commercial.
> but all i can really remember is that there is a 2-panel shot of the truck driving on the road, filmed at an angle around the front.
> the only lyric i remember from that song is, 'I gotta get something, got get...'
> and thats it. i'm not even sure if it's right.
> the song is very upbeat, probably from the 70s or around the motown era.
> thanks, if you know what song it is.
> greatly appreciated!
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