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Latest AXE spray commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

I am looking for the techno song from the axe commercial where the guy sprays it on then a bug bites him then a frog eats the bug and then the frogs have sex and then a guy eats the frog and then gets the girls. If anyone knows the song please let me know! thanks!
# 2 18 years ago

> I am looking for the techno song from the axe commercial where the guy sprays it on then a bug bites him then a frog eats the bug and then the frogs have sex and then a guy eats the frog and then gets the girls. If anyone knows the song please let me know! thanks!
# 3 18 years ago

also looking for that 1
> I am looking for the techno song from the axe commercial where the guy sprays it on then a bug bites him then a frog eats the bug and then the frogs have sex and then a guy eats the frog and then gets the girls. If anyone knows the song please let me know! thanks!
> ya...that's a good one does NE1 know?????
# 4 18 years ago

> I am looking for the techno song from the axe commercial where the guy sprays it on then a bug bites him then a frog eats the bug and then the frogs have sex and then a guy eats the frog and then gets the girls. If anyone knows the song please let me know! thanks!
# 5 18 years ago

> Munuk- you give me love , ,,,,,,,, Very hard to find and only 30 seconds long
# 6 18 years ago

I think this is it, after much searching:

manuk - you give me love
# 7 18 years ago

I think this is it, after much searching.

manuk - you give me love
# 8 18 years ago

> I am looking for the techno song from the axe commercial where the guy sprays it on then a bug bites him then a frog eats the bug and then the frogs have sex and then a guy eats the frog and then gets the girls. If anyone knows the song please let me know! thanks!
# 9 18 years ago

> I am looking for the techno song from the axe commercial where the guy sprays it on then a bug bites him then a frog eats the bug and then the frogs have sex and then a guy eats the frog and then gets the girls. If anyone knows the song please let me know! thanks!
# 10 18 years ago

itz made specifcaly for that commercial so itz not to long but itz called give me love by manuk
# 11 18 years ago

> I think this is it, after much searching:
> manuk - you give me love

I Hope So.
# 12 18 years ago

> > I am looking for the techno song from the axe commercial where the guy sprays it on then a bug bites him then a frog eats the bug and then the frogs have sex and then a guy eats the frog and then gets the girls. If anyone knows the song please let me know! thanks!
> > ya...that's a good one does NE1 know?????
# 13 18 years ago

The song is only available as a 30 sec commercial. You can find it on most P2P music sharing sites. Look for Manuk - you give me love.
> > I am looking for the techno song from the axe commercial where the guy sprays it on then a bug bites him then a frog eats the bug and then the frogs have sex and then a guy eats the frog and then gets the girls. If anyone knows the song please let me know! thanks!
> > ya...that's a good one does NE1 know?????
# 14 18 years ago

I hope for u that u already found it but if you didn't, it's You Give Me Love by Manuk.

But I think it have been make only for the commercial, so it's not so long.
# 15 18 years ago

shutup and sleep with me i think it is
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