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Acura rsx type-s commercial song

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know the song/band that is on the commercial for the new Acura RSX Type-S commercial? It basically follows a working man's day, he starts out in a cubicle and ends up on the road just driving. The song is fairly simple at the beginning but at the very end of the commercial it has a few really amazing guitar chords.
# 2 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the song/band that is on the commercial for the new Acura RSX Type-S commercial? It's all in black and white..there's a huge glacier in the background and the car just goes back and forth on the screen with some kickass heavy metal riffs...?>
# 3 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the song/band that is on the commercial for the new Acura RSX Type-S commercial? It basically follows a working man's day, he starts out in a cubicle and ends up on the road just driving. The song is fairly simple at the beginning but at the very end of the commercial it has a few really amazing guitar chords.
# 4 19 years ago

Does anyone know of the new Acura RSX commercial 2005 its the one with all the hundreds of RSX's
# 5 18 years ago

Alec Empire: The Ride
That song is the jam.

> Does anyone know the song/band that is on the commercial for the new Acura RSX Type-S commercial? It basically follows a working man's day, he starts out in a cubicle and ends up on the road just driving. The song is fairly simple at the beginning but at the very end of the commercial it has a few really amazing guitar chords.
# 6 18 years ago

its called "The Ride" by Alec Empire
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