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Coors Light Commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

There is a new Coors Lite commercial that airs during the holiday season and during hockey games which asks, 'Why do we do what we do?...Why do we order the large wings when the regular wings would do... Why do we feel the need to entertain others on public transit... Why do we fly a guys pants up a flag pole'...etc.
It's narrated by J. Peterman of 'Seinfeld' fame and the music enters at the end of the commercial with J. Peterman stating, 'Because we can... Coors would like to wish you a happy holiday'.
Some of the lyrics included in the music clip are, 'You work all night...' and is a great party song.
I would appreciate it if someone can inform me with the name of the artist and the song and where I may obtain it. Thank You.
Happy New Year!
# 2 21 years ago

> There is a new Coors Lite commercial that airs during the holiday season and during hockey games which asks, 'Why do we do what we do?...Why do we order the large wings when the regular wings would do... Why do we feel the need to entertain others on public transit... Why do we fly a guys pants up a flag pole'...etc.
> It's narrated by J. Peterman of 'Seinfeld' fame and the music enters at the end of the commercial with J. Peterman stating, 'Because we can... Coors would like to wish you a happy holiday'.
> Some of the lyrics included in the music clip are, 'You work all night...' and is a great party song.
> I would appreciate it if someone can inform me with the name of the artist and the song and where I may obtain it. Thank You.
> Happy New Year!

# 3 21 years ago

> There is a new Coors Lite commercial that airs during the holiday season and during hockey games which asks, 'Why do we do what we do?...Why do we order the large wings when the regular wings would do... Why do we feel the need to entertain others on public transit... Why do we fly a guys pants up a flag pole'...etc.
> It's narrated by J. Peterman of 'Seinfeld' fame and the music enters at the end of the commercial with J. Peterman stating, 'Because we can... Coors would like to wish you a happy holiday'.
> Some of the lyrics included in the music clip are, 'You work all night...' and is a great party song.
> I would appreciate it if someone can inform me with the name of the artist and the song and where I may obtain it. Thank You.
> Happy New Year!

# 4 21 years ago

It's called 'Because we can' and it's a remix by Fatboy Slim. You can find it on the Moulin Rouge soundtrack.
# 5 20 years ago

There is a new Coors Lite commercial(new to my viewing)that shws a man and a woman sittingin a bar talking.In the backround there's a man singing with a guitar.I would like the name of that singer and the lyrics to the commercial because it really is a good song\commercial.Thank You.
# 6 19 years ago

> > There is a new Coors Lite commercial that airs during the holiday season and during hockey games which asks, 'Why do we do what we do?...Why do we order the large wings when the regular wings would do... Why do we feel the need to entertain others on public transit... Why do we fly a guys pants up a flag pole'...etc.
> > It's narrated by J. Peterman of 'Seinfeld' fame and the music enters at the end of the commercial with J. Peterman stating, 'Because we can... Coors would like to wish you a happy holiday'.
> > Some of the lyrics included in the music clip are, 'You work all night...' and is a great party song.
> > I would appreciate it if someone can inform me with the name of the artist and the song and where I may obtain it. Thank You.
> > Happy New Year!
# 7 19 years ago

> > There is a new Coors Lite commercial that airs during the holiday season and during hockey games which asks, 'Why do we do what we do?...Why do we order the large wings when the regular wings would do... Why do we feel the need to entertain others on public transit... Why do we fly a guys pants up a flag pole'...etc.
> > It's narrated by J. Peterman of 'Seinfeld' fame and the music enters at the end of the commercial with J. Peterman stating, 'Because we can... Coors would like to wish you a happy holiday'.
> > Some of the lyrics included in the music clip are, 'You work all night...' and is a great party song.
> > I would appreciate it if someone can inform me with the name of the artist and the song and where I may obtain it. Thank You.
> > Happy New Year!
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