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citi song on commercial

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# 1 18 years ago

May I please know the name of the song on the citi commercial on TV as it was the same song my husband and I danced to right before he died of cancer. Thank you,
# 2 18 years ago

> May I please know the name of the song on the citi commercial on TV as it was the same song my husband and I danced to right before he died of cancer. Thank you,
my heart bleeds for you!!!!!
# 3 18 years ago

> May I please know the name of the song on the citi commercial on TV as it was the same song my husband and I danced to right before he died of cancer. Thank you,
100 Years by Five for Fighting
# 4 18 years ago

Im sorry to hear about you husband, I dont even know what to say. i would like to ask you if i may,i dont know how to say this, use your story in a written/play work, if you do see this please im me im useing that song as a theme for mystory and i would be honored if i may be allowed to immortalize your experence. i hope this in not outof line. please email me if you happen to read this again, thank you, Mike o'malley -
# 5 18 years ago

> May I please know the name of the song on the citi commercial on TV as it was the same song my husband and I danced to right before he died of cancer. Thank you,
# 6 18 years ago

you might be talking about the song "100 Years" by Five for Fighting.
# 7 18 years ago

Trois Gymnopédies by Eric Satie
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